Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

_ Smiling to himself as he fell back onto his soft bed, Vladek suddenly realised that he had not reported to his Battleteam. Stifling a large yawn, he drew out his Data Recorder and comlink, and began typing out a message..._

Welcome to another report, Raptors of Marka Ragnos!

Today's Schedule includes:

**1: Promotions, Awards,Transfers and Exams

2: Roster

3: Stuff

4: Competitions


Promotions, Awards, Transfers and Exams

Vladek - Awarded an LoS and a Crescent with Emerald Star!

Maron Kayvana - Tranferred to House Marka Ragnos!


Krath Tetrarch Vladek

Krath Tyro Kemp

Obelisk Trooper Maron Kayvana


THE WEBSITE IS UP! YAY! Thanks to Raven and Derev for helping me get it up, I owe them a lot. Thanks guys! In other news, the House Feud is only slighty more than a week away, and now that HLK have Goat back, it will be harder than ever to win, but we still will, and YOU know it!


Make your own Beastie! (two days left!)

Naga Sadow Trivia Challenge (last week!)

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