Consul Report


Consul Report

CNS Consul Report #17 - November 11th, 2006

Oh boy, this is going to be a long report. A lot of things have happened, and so I implore you all to read this entire report, because I don't want the huge events going on in the DB to diminish the usual things in my CON reports.

Total CON Emails: 59

  1. Goatham = Xanos Sadow = Darth Vexatus

So, our beloved Goatham stepped down as Deputy Grand Master, and Jac rewarded him with the rank of Dark Prophet. While I am sad that Goatham won't be Grand Master one day (I was looking forward to being P:GM at the end of 2007 after breaking the record for longest continuously serving CON of CNS), I am happy to see that Jac saw it in his infinite (?) wisdom to promote him to Dark Prophet. This makes Goatham the highest ranking (and most successful) member of CNS ever...and to think I knew him when he first joined the DB.

When Jac was going to each of the CONs and discussing who Goatham's replacement might be, I told Jac that it better be someone like Goatham, because you don't find members like that every day. CNS has always tried to put the members first, and Goatham embodied that ideal and tried to make the DB like that.

There was a guy running for office in Montana, and he said something like, "I think this country should be more like Montana." Well, I think the DB should be more like CNS, and I told Jac that whoever the replacement is should embody what Goatham stood for. That is really what's important.

I know some of you are a little worried about Sarin as the new Deputy Grand Master. I acknowledge that some people transferred into this clan because of past histories or whatever. I also told Jac, and I am telling you, that I have a neutral opinion of Sarin. We'll see how he acts and what he does as Deputy Grand Master, and if he doesn't embody the values that we in CNS hold dear, he will know it.

This is Clan Naga Sadow, and we encourage our younger membes to express their opinions, and as you all get older in this club, I hope you show the courage to tell people what you think. I didn't do that for the longest time as CON because I was getting used to this position and all of the little drama things that go on here. CNS is a hard clan to lead BECAUSE we encourage independent thought. That is why things are debated endlessly. I think that's a GOOD thing.

I do ask that you guys try to give Sarin the benefit of the doubt. I know I will.

Ironically enough this makes me one of the more senior CONs in the DB. I still feel like a n00b though.

  1. CNS Historical Campaign #3

Speaking of Goatham, I hope you guys are aware of CNS Historical Campaign #3. You can find it here:

The topic of this Historical Campaign is Goatham. I think some of the events are fun, but since I didn't advertise it much, nobody has participated. It ends in one week! Don't regret this opportunity to get Crescents, because the next Historical Campaign won't happen until after the House Feud.

  1. House Feud

Btw, the House Feud starts in about 9 days, but I think you guys know about it already.

I want to remind everybody not to take this House Feud too seriously. I mean, some competition is nice but some of you are really taking this unhealthily seriously. Let's not forget that after this House Feud we are one clan and we, as a whole, kick ass. I know some of you have things you want to prove, but I want this fight to be dignified and honorable with mutual respect.

  1. Transfers

We had a lot of members transferring in this week, from the Rogues. Some of you were transferred into the wrong House, so if that is the case you must let me know so I can take the 5 seconds to transfer you where you want to go.

  1. Seals of Loyalty

The Seals of Loyalty is an award the DB gives out to various awesome members once a year (although I thought it was supposed to be twice a year, but meh). This year, the following CNS Affiliated members got them:







Three of those were given out by the clans, and the rest were given out by Jac or a Dark Summit members. There are so many of you who probably deserve SoLs, but we're only allowed to give out three, so meh. I can tell you that CNS policy will be to give out SoLs primarily to those people who don't have one yet. The last four names are first-time recipients. We'll do our best to try to spread the love around.

  1. Positions

If you haven't noticed, P:DGM, M:DGM, and MAA are open for applications. I encourage all CNS members to apply for positions DB-wide. Me, I'm an old curmudgeon so I'll just stay right here. :P

  1. Mifune gets a Sapphire Blade

I already wrote an email, but yay! You see what happens when you apply for positions outside of the Clan? Good things!

  1. Thorin promoted to Sith Battlemaster

About damn time!

  1. Goatham promoted to Dark Prophet

Oh wait, I already mentioned this. But I did get the email in my inbox, and a promotion to Dark Prophet isn't something that happens every day in this clan.

  1. Ylith Awarded a Steel Cross

Yay! Not so exciting compared to the others, but you got awarded during a busy week. :P

  1. Gaming

In last weekend's ICTE, I got 11 CFs, Horus got 6 CFs, and Schisca got 3 CFs.

Venquis finally came back and awarded backlogged Gaming Night CFs. I got 11 CFs, Horus got 1 CF, and Ylith got 13 CFs.

As for my goal of 1000 CFs by the end of the year: I need 81 CFs to reach the goal, and I have geez, 8 weeks to do it. That's about 10 CFs a week. Then again, Sunday Tournament hasn't been processed yet, so I'll be getting more CFs soon enough.

  1. Conclusion

I wanted to go over other stuff, but meh, this has been a busy enough report. You'll get it next week.


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