House Dinaari Report
I apologize in advanced here. I know these dont come on a regular basis but Im going to fix that. At any rate theres been a lot of big things going down since the last report so listen up:
Kaek has stepped down from MAA. Applications are open for the next five hours (yes I know short notice :P ) so soon well have a new MAA
Xanos is no longer DGM and was promoted to DP. Sarin has taken his place and is looking for a Praetor and Magistrate so if youre interested send an application to him
The CHL has begun so good luck to those who are in it!!!!
The Tal Times were recently released; if you havent read it check it out here:
Ive made a new comp!!! Check it out here:
Congrats to William Flechette Taldrya Cantor on getting a Seal of Loyalty
Congrats to Husjo on ACO
Erinyes Comp Mysteries of the Force is still running, heres the link for the details:
My comp for Ye Old English is still going on, so look for a phrase at the end of my report!!!!
FK is running an AWOL check so if you havent checked in with him I suggest you do so.
Remember, if you love to game or ACCLive Tues & Thurs on IRC you can go to #dbgaming or #acclive and look to fight others and saturdays ICTE still runs in #outerrim
Well I think thats enough jibba jabba
Ye Old Engish:
What does Mind Your Ps and Qs mean?
SW Kraval Novir (Sith)/A:MAA-QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan
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