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:: Clan Plagueis CON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis CON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->1<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->13 November<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2006
<td style="background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;" align="center">
:: **From CON/SBM Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor** :: </td>
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Greetings honorable Clan Plagueis of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood,
For those of you that know who I am, good for you. For those that do not, which I hope is not many, I am Sith Battlemaster Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor, and I am the new Consul of Clan Plagueis!
A loyal servant of his excellences Darth Plagueis and Darth Cotelin, a consul is the voice of his clan. He works for the clan, putting it above all other things. A consul is the clan. With one, the other cannot exist. I serve you. A leader, no matter his strength or wisdom or intelligence, is nothing without members to lead. I live by this motto, and will wear it with pride during my term in office.
Now, some things about myself as a leader. First, as my personal motto says, I do not believe in keeping secrets from the people, or in this case you the members. As you will soon find out, I will always list projects I'm working on in my reports, and the clan calendar is a very useful tool for seeing what I, as well as my Proconsul, am working on. There are exceptions, as is the rule in all of life, but for the most part I see no reason to keep a project in the dark from you.
Second, I often deal with many projects at once. Due to this, I'm known for passing them off, if you would call them that, to other people. However, I do not do this because I don't wish to do them myself, since I always edit as needed. Rather, I do it to give the regular members a chance to shine even if they aren't in a position of power. As such, if you ever want to help out with anything, just ask and I'm sure I'll be able to find something for you to work on. I like to keep you involved, but also know I'm known for giving deadlines for projects.
Third is the Ops Policy in #plagueis on mIRC. I have also been a major supporter of allowing everyone ops. As I said before, we are equals. However, I also agreed with the reason Sarin took away the privilege from you all in the first place. Good for you, though, is that I believe in second chances, and I also believe that we have gotten better since then. This is why I am returning the policy to its original state, and allowing everyone ops. There will be rules, however. I know we are all here to have fun, and I agree with that, but there are always limits. No excessive kicking in the channel. If the person deserves to be kicked, fine, and if you are just having fun, fine. Just remember that there is always a limit to everything. If you find kicking annoying, then just ignore what is happening in the channel. I will allow you all to run about in your lunacy, but will intervene if and when things get out of hand. The next rule is that you may never ban anyone from the channel. Only Aedile, Quaestor, Proconsul, Clan Envoy, and Consul have the authority to ban someone from the channel. If you are having a problem, bring it to out attention, but do not take matters into your own hands. Doing so will find yourself stripped of ops for a minimum of two weeks. Breaking any other rules, or plain out acting up, will find yourself stripped of ops for anywhere from two weeks to two months. Having ops is a privilege, and one that I can take away just as easily as I am giving it back. I wanted our clan channel to be a fun place where people of all clans can come and chat and have fun, but keep things is relative control. In addition, I am a strong supporter of the PG-13 rating of the channel. Most curse words I do not mind, but specifically the F-word and those words referring to the genitals I cannot stand, so I would advise you not to use them.
In addition, a recent problem is that some people consider emails with many replies spamming. All I have to say to this comment is that if you don't care for what the email says, just delete it. Some people, such as myself, like reading all the emails, so if you're not like me then just find a way of your own to get rid of the "spam". Of course, the most obvious answer is to simply delete the pieces of mail without reading them.
Next, if you have a problem with something then bring it to my attention, or the other leaders. No one here has ever seen me mad, but nonetheless I do get annoyed when people transfer out of our clan for crappy reasons that were never known to us. If there is a problem, let us the leaders help you fix it. If may not change your mind about transferring, but it will affect the members who come to us after you leave. Rather you like the clan or not, you should still work to help us succeed. We cannot do this if we are left in the dark about what problems need to be fixed, as is the problem in most cases.
Finally, I would like to thank Sarin for all his hard work as Consul. He served for just under eleven months, and I only hope I will be able to live up to the expectations set by him. He's going to do a great job as Deputy Grand Master, and I wish him the best, in the name of Clan Plagueis. This is why I, as my first act as Consul of Clan Plagueis, would like to bestow upon him one of our greatest honors. Every six months, the Consul picks two members from the clan to be awarded the covenanted title of di Plagia. Only two ever six months, no more, no less. As you all know, Orzon was the third to be awarded the title. This is why now, I, the second person awarded the title of di Plagia, would like to announce Aristan Dantes di Plagia as the fourth recipient of this clan name. Congratulations, no one deserves it more then you do. This is the best way I can see to award you for all your hard work. As such, Clan Plagueis, I give you Valorian di Plagia Orzon and Aristan Dantes di Plagia, honorary members of the clan we all love!
Anyways, now that all of that is out of the way, on to some things I would like to get done in the near future. I understand that this introduction is running long, so I'll try to sum things up. First, I will see our battle teams prosper during my term in office. I have a few ideas of how to do this, but the easiest would be for you the members to step up to the plate and start joining them. Second, I will see Clan Plagueis' competition activity rise. We suck when it comes to activity, so once again you all need to step up to the plate, or I'll be forced to initiate harsher guidelines. There are a few others projects I have in store, most of which will start to go into effect in the upcoming weeks. Either way, expect a lot to happen before January 1, 2007.
Finally, before I bid you all farewell for this report, I would like to speak to you all about a thing called the Leadership Domino Effect. It seems that whenever something happens to a leader in this clan something happens to all the leaders. The same goes in this case. First, Sarin was made Deputy Grand Master and I was made Consul. Second, my Proconsul will be Orzon. He will also act as Clan Envoy still for the time being. Ky will be moved up to House Exar Kun Quaestor, and Aedile is going to stay open for the time being. We are not accepting applications right now, but may in the near future. House Satal Keto's summit will stay the same. Either way, there's the change in leadership. With that, I say goodbye, and see you on the flip side.
Sith Battlemaster Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor
Consul of Clan Plagueis.
~ In upcoming reports, which will be bi-weekly, this section will contain clan, house, and brotherhood news, plus anything else I think fits in here. I do, however, hope you all took the time to read through my long introduction. If you didn't, well, you're the ones keeping us from rising to the top, and I plan to fix that.
<font color="darkred">****</font>
This will be the last time you see this section in my reports, from now on it will be handled by my Proconsul, Orzon.
Niman: (S)Crescent x1 - CF x4
Lena: (E)Crescent x1
Vexer: (T)Crescent x1 - StA x1
Mako: (T)Crescent x1
Vasily: CF x12
Sarin: CF x1 - (S)Crescent x1
Laigerick: (S)Crescent x1
Ky: (T)Crescent x1
Vess: (E)Crescent x1
Orzon: (S)Crescent x2
Jaden: (T)Crescent x2 - CF x2
Arso: (Q)Crescent x1 - (E)Crescent x3 - (T)Crescent x2
Shadonyx: (E)Crescent x2 - (T)Crescent x1
Raken: (A)Crescent x1 - (S)Crescent x1 - CF x2
DS: (E)Crescent x1
Eton: LS x1
Tolter: LS x1
Dax: CF x22
CoFo: CF x1
Tyren: (E)Crescent x1
Bre-ma: Acolyte
Laigerick: Protector!
Shadow Academy
Laigerick: Astronomy - Marksmanship - ISET - Pre-Republic History - Conflict Mediation
Orzon: Capital Ship Studies
Sarin: Capital Ship Studies
Jaden: Astronomy
Dismal: Obelisk CORE
Raken: Capital Ship Studies
Bre-ma: Conflict Mediation
Drazar: ACC Initiates - Lightsaber Studies
DS: Capital Ship Studies
~ The DJB Wiki is a great tool for all members. I recommend you all to go make your character page. Also, I am working on getting a lot of the pages updated that I've already been working on, as well as creating even more pages. If you'd like to help with CP's Wiki articles just talk to me through email or IRC and I'll hook you up. You can see all my pages, as well as what needs to be done to them, on the User:Aabsdu page.
~ Over the next few weeks I, along with Raken, will be going through all the websites and updating everything. This includes histories to fleet and more. This project will probably take a few weeks, though, since there's a good bit to update/change.
~ The Plagueis Chronicle is now accepting articles for the October/November/December issue. If you have any questions about what you think should be included, feel free to email me or PM me about it. All articles suppose to be in the October issue will now be featured in this issue. Let's get those articles coming guys! There will be awards, I just can't say what those awards will be or what it will take to earn them. Expect a lot of Chronicle changes to occur over the next few months.
~ The Clan Epic I'm working on right now is going really well. Orzon is helping me with it, and I've been brainstorming how it will all fold out. All I can say is lots and lots of battles both in space and on the ground! I can also tell you it will be a huge run-on devided into three parts, and that right now the story itself is turning out to be around twenty pages. Yeah, I know, clan epic.
~ Some other little projects I'm working on right now is a clan ACC arena, and two Shadow Academy courses*cough*History of the Sith Empire II and III*cough*. Also, just to make it blunt to you, if you looked at the clan calendar now and then you would see pretty much everything I'm doing at the time being. It's a great tool, and I'm going to start requiring the leaders to use it.
~ As usual, if you want to know everything that the leaders are currently working on, then look on the Clan Calendar. Here is where everything is listed, so I highly suggest that you use it as much as possible.
This is another section that will move into Orzon's reports.
DB-wide Competitions
"Sunday Tournament" (Every Sunday!)
"Tuesday Tournament" (Every Tuesday!)
"Thursday Tournament" (Every Thursday!)
"Inter-club Training Event" (Every Saturday!)
Internal Clan/House Competitions
Fiction Tribune's Epic Competition
Remember, Remember the Fifth of November...
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:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
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I have an Open-Door policy, so people are welcome to see me at any time about anything.
<font color="red">Clan Plagueis Consul Sith Battlemaster Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor</font>
<font color="red">"_"A leader is nothing without people to lead.
Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
Seeing isn't Believing; Believing is Seeing.
Ask me any question you want, it's the answer you should be worried about."_"
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>
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