So ends Week Ten at the helm of House Marka Ragnos.
As I announced previously, I've been somewhat LoA on my official duties for the last few weeks in preparations for the House Feud - Shikyo did a fine job taking care of things in the gap. Now, however, it's time for a House Feud :)
Comings and Goings
Been a fine few weeks for HMR, we've seen our numbers continue their steady rise, and welcomed back an old friend as well. Yay!
1337 Aedile
Since my last report, Shikyo's netted himself a Sapphire Blade, a Seal of Loyalty, and entrance into the Inner Order. Huge congratz go out to him. For the record, I'm only one steel cross away from the Inner Order myself :) Congratz to everyone who got a Seal of Loyalty along with Shikyo - Manesh, Sildrin, Malisane, and myself.
Website Goodness
With Sildrin's departure to the Dark Council, I've once again found myself responsible for the Clan Website. Once this Feud is over, and I get some relax time over Christmas, both the HMR website and the Clan Website will be getting some much needed attention (the House Website soo much more then the Clan Website :p). If anyone wants to help on either project, drop me a line.
HMR Wtfpwnage of the Trivia Challenge
I'd just like to point out that you guys straight wtfpwned the Trivia Challenge - especially Vladek, good work man.
A Note on Promotions and Medals
I know some of you feel at times that medals and promotions should come a bit more often - I want to remind everyone that, even when your Quaestor and/or Aedile may think you're worthy, the Master at Arms does have the final say - so remember that before you get mad at your summit because you haven't gotten goodies yet.
Feud Wtfpwnage
So, as you're all aware, I'm doing most of the legwork for the House Feud - I damn well expect my house to win it after all the cheating and arranging I've done to that end :) No, really, I hope you guys get out there and bust some butts, rest assured when the time comes, I'll be cracking open the medal chest. Shikyo will be your lead man for most of the events, since I'm expected to maintain some neutrality - so everyone stay on it, step up where you can, and lets get our title of First House.
BT Pwnage
If you haven't noticed, all the BTs are now evenly staffed (well, close enough anyway). As you all also know, I've gotta special treat in store for the BTL of the BT that does the best, as well as the BT as a whole, so if nothing else, fight for that.
Strokes of Genius
For those of you who don't know me as well as I should know you, you should know that my door is always open. And while I may sexually abuse you and mock you forever (Vladek), I am very much open to ideas, suggestions, hate mail, death threats, sexy love letters, and even a bit of criticism. Don't ever hesitate to come to me or Shikyo if you need anything, that is why we are here.
You Middle of the Field Leaders
For those of you who are Equites, even Knights and Hunters - remember that we are responsible to bring up the next generation of our leaders. Your BT members of today, are the CONs, PCONs, and QUAs of tomorrow. Set a good example in what you do, don't be afraid to take someone under your wing - remember, your legacy is nothing if we aren't here to remember you. House Feud is a great example of being able to step up and do a bit more. I got a Sapphire Blade for doing it in the GJW - I'm not promising the same here, but it can definitely get you places. Find yourself a goal, work towards it, say to hell with what everyone else thinks, and get what it is you seek.
I don't say this too often, but I feel now is an appropriate time. Maybe a bit of pre-competition encouragement and motivation. House Marka Ragnos has been my home since I re-joined this fine club a few years back, and I've seen it at some mighty highs, and a few sad lows. I'm very much proud of where this House is today, and make no mistake, it is you the members that make it this way. Somehow, we've taken a rag tag team of "traitors", "assholes", "annoyances", and "no namers" and built something that is respectable. 10 Weeks ago, who would've thought Talon Jade would've been able to hold down a job for this long - and do it damn well. Or that Raven would step up and become a leader in his own right. Or that Vladek would..shudders be in a position to have promotion and awarding capability. Who really thought me and Shikyo wouldn't kill each other, or die trying ? This house is a machine, no, it's a monster. And right now, I don't think theres many other places I'd rather be then at the helm of this House. What the future holds may be unknown, but there is little doubt in my mind that it will be a great future.
So, to turn the tables..thank you, each and every one of you who's stayed loyal to this house, who's busted your butt for this house. We may very well be the most rag tag group of people in the Brotherhood, but damn it if we don't kick ass all the way along the way.
Enjoy the Feud everyone, and a bit early, Happy Thanksgiving..
Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth
Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos
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Thanks for all your support, Derev. : P
You've made this House successful and fun - so on behalf of everyone in this House, thank you.