<head> <title>House Exar Kun Quaestor Report</title> </head>
_ We have had a really good week and I thank you guys for that. We have had to deal with a lot of leadership changes and hopefully things will be pretty stable for a while now. Welcome back to Salth and BubbaX. We are really glad to have them back. Keep reading for all the important info of the week.
<fieldset> <legend><big><big>News</big></big></legend>
<dl> <dt> <big>_ Dark Brotherhood _</big>
</dt><dt> New DGM </dt><dd>Congrats to one of our own. Sarin was appointed to DGM !!!
</dd><dt>New MAA </dt><dd>Congrats to Halc on his appoitment to MAA
</dd><dt>GMRG Crucible Gaming </dt><dd>Khobai has announced that Crucible Gaming Nights are now back. On regular gaming nights
when you beat a current member of the GMRG you can earn Elite CFs also.
</dd><dt>DSC Staff </dt><dd>The DSC is looking for another staff member so if your interested send in your
</dd><dt> <big>_ Plagueis _</big>
</dt><dt>House Satal Keto Quaestor </dt><dd>Aabs and Orz are currently accepting applications for the postion of HSK QUA. Remember
that you need to meet the requirements set in order to be considered.
</dd><dt>BubbaX Promoted </dt><dd> Congratulations to BubbaX on his recent promotion to Sith Battlemaster! This is a well
earned promotion.
</dd><dt>Plagueis Promotional Guidelines </dt><dd>The new promotional guidelines have been released. These guidelines are for those
members up to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Pleae do not bash them untill we have seen them
in action for at least a little while.
</dd><dt> <big>_ House Exar Kun _</big>
</dt><dt>House Exar Kun Aedile </dt><dd>Congratulations to Arso on his appointment to HEK AED. We have already started working
on a bunch of new competitions for you guys to enjoy.
</dd><dt>Battle Teams </dt><dd>I am really glad to see members interested in joining our Battle Team. Before you do
anything please make sure that you take a look at the Battle Team Handbook You need
to make sure that ALL of the requirements are done before you email asking to be accepted.
</dd><dd>thats about all this week.
<fieldset> <legend><big><big>House Projects</big></big></legend>
<dl> </dl><big>House History</big>
done then I will send it out to make sure that it meets aproval by the house.
_ "Verd orishya beskargam _
OT Ky Terrak (Obelisk)/QUA/Exar Kun of Plagueis [GMRG: IND] [ACC: INI]
GC / SC / StA-WG / DC-KC-O / (GN) / Cr-6A-2S-2E-1T / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF / SI / LSS / S:-6D
{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - U:TE - U:TA - G:L - G:LA - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN
L:HS1 - G:AS}
dossier # 6591
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