Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Horsemen of the Apocalypse -- Report #26

The screen flickered to life showing Baron Zarco’s face. He was apparently sitting in the cockpit of a ship.

“Greetings Horsemen. Our team remains active. Since the report last week Horseman Sorrow has been promoted to Guardian. Horseman Joshman has been very active in the Shadow Academy passing the Sith Core, Astronomy and Sith Flight Studies II courses and examinations. Horseman Al’Meda Zarco has earned a new position…Tetrarch of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I place you in her hands.”

The angle of the video uptake widened to show Jedi Hunter Al’Meda Zarco sitting at the controls of the ship carrying the pair. The two were apparently in hyperspace for her attention was upon addressing her Tyro.

“Greetings Horsemen.” The words were the same as her predecessor but just as this Tetrarch’s words seemed to bear the same strength as Baron Zarco’s there was less of an edge. This being was just as deadly but in a less direct way. Perhaps she was the poison to his blade.

“Baron Zarco and I are on the way to the first waypoint on our mission to find the Shi-Gaii Shard. Further information is to be found at this link:

We hope to see you there. I will be administering the competition. Please forward any questions to me.”

“JH Al’Meda Zarco out.”

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