SW Kraval Novir was awarded a Star of Antei for his work on the Fiction Archive. Congratulations Kraval!
Unfortunately, Kraval has decided to step down from his post on the Fiction Staff due to other DB and RL commitments. Thanks for your help in everything, Krav, and best of luck in other pursuits.
Erinyes was promoted to Dark Side Adept. Now maybe she'll stop whining for a week or so. :P
Ongoing Competitions
The November MTs are running until tomorrow, November 30, at 11:59 PM EST. Details can be found here.
The Epic Competition is also running until Feb 1. Details can be found here.
The December MTs will be released on December 1. Watch the DB news page (or this blog) for more details.
There will be some kind of festive competition coming from the Fiction Tribune's office, probably running for the week of Christmas and the weeks immediately before and after. Watch here for more details.
With Kraval's departure, Erinyes will tentatively be taking over the Fiction Archive stuff.
A new "Writer's Workshop" is going to be developed by the Tribune's Office. The Workshop will be a course for people who are seriously interested in improving their skills at writing short stories. Watch the blog for more details.
That's everything for this round. I'm considering getting the habit of doing bi-weekly reports, but quite honestly, sometimes there's just not enough to report on - "we're still doing this, we're still doing that, the MTs are still running, the world hasn't blown up yet". Anyone who wants to weigh in on that topic is free to comment here or e-mail the Tribune at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Dark Side Adept Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama
Dark Brotherhood Fiction Tribune
On behalf of the Office of the Fiction Tribune
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