"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."
--IT'S A SOULFIRE THING, no one else would really understand--
Greetings proud members of the best fraking Battle Team that the Dark Jedi Brotherhood has to offer. This is my first report,
and most definitely not my last as your Sergeant. All of you know me at least somewhat well, while a few of you have the
distinct honor (?) of having made my acquaintance when I was still ensconced in the varied subgroups of the Emperor's Hammer.
Anyway, I'll give you guys a bit of additional background on the interstellar bandit that is Malidir d'Tana.
--=BIO TIME=--
I first joined the Dark Brotherhood back in 2000 as Keiran Bastra. I was also active in another EH subgroup, but had to leave
for various RL reasons. I returned to the fold in late 2003 as the unknown quantity of Malidir, only to find a smaller club,
one which a number of my friends had fled due to the big split that you've all either lived through or heard about. I stuck it
out with the EH - mostly because they made the "rDB" sound so dirty and scandalous - until late last year, when I made up a new
identity (Trepidus) and joined the "rDB"...henceforth known to me as the "real" Dark Brotherhood. After being pretty active and
holding a few command positions in the EH over the years, all that came to an end when I was made the Command Attache to the
Flight Officer (kinda sorta like Praetor to the Master-At-Arms over here in DB land) and asked to carry out a large AWOL check
of the Reserves/Rogues. This was evidently the epitome of busy work, since when I produced a listing of bad e-mail addresses of
people that should be removed, I was told to just keep everyone there, regardless of my ability to even contact those members.
This made no sense to me, and to a number of other Command Staff/Dark Council members, so I ended up throwing my lot in with
the evil Imperial Dominion, thus earning myself the most distinguished award that the EH could offer at that time...expulsion
from the ranks.
Following that debacle, I morphed Trepidus back into Malidir, ended up becoming a member of the d'Tana family, and the rest, as
they say, is history. I'm quite happy and immensely grateful to have been selected to head up this elite group of Dark
Brotherhood members - one which not only has a great deal of talent and drive, but also includes many good friends and even
better people.
Enough about my smelly old EH self, and don't worry, I won't be invoking that club's name again in the future. Let's move on to
a bit about the current state of affairs in the Soulfire Strike Team...
Here's a quick peek at where we are right now as far as membership is concerned:
<table border="0"> <tr> <th class="Type2" align="Left">Name</th> <th class="Type2">Email</th>
<th class="Type2">Rank</th> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>Obelisk Sergeant Malidir d'Tana</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Dark Jedi Knight</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333">
<td nowrap>Krath Tyro Sashar Kodiak Entar</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Archpriest</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>Krath Tyro Jeax Zirv</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td>
<td witdh="106">Priest</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>Krath Tyro Zandro Savric Erinos</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Dark Jedi Knight</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>Sith Flight Leader Rho</td>
<td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Protector</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>Sith Flight Member Karel Bruth`Kothae</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Dark Jedi Knight</td>
</tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>Obelisk Trooper Xander Drax</td> <td width="200">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> <td witdh="106">Dark Jedi Knight</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>Obelisk Trooper TBA</td> <td width="200"> </td>
<td witdh="106"> </td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>Obelisk Trooper TBA</td> <td width="200"> </td> <td witdh="106"> </td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>Obelisk Trooper TBA</td> <td width="200"> </td>
<td witdh="106"> </td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap>Obelisk Trooper TBA</td> <td width="200"> </td> <td witdh="106"> </td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#333333"> <td nowrap>Obelisk Trooper TBA</td> <td width="200"> </td>
<td witdh="106"> </td>
Expect some Soulfire competitions to be unveiled this week, but please let me know about any ideas you might have along those
lines. There are many ways to be active in the Dark Brotherhood, as you've all already shown, but I'd love to see what everyone
thinks. For the time being, here are a few things that can be done, right now. Big thanks to our Quaestor, Selene d'Tana, for
putting this list together!
<span style="font-size:9pt;line-height:100%">DB</span>
○ ACCLive! Ladder<span style="color:red"><span style="font-size:6pt;line-height:100%"> - Go sign up now!</span></span>
○ ACC Eraser Competition<span style="color:red"><span style="font-size:6pt;line-height:100%"> - Sign-ups closed.</span></span>
○ SA Trivia
○ [Fiction Tribune's Epic
<span style="font-size:9pt;line-height:100%">Arcona</span>
○ [AMT] Friendships
○ [AMT] Advice
<span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%">Galeres</span>
○ CF War
○ Defining Colours
○ Investigation
○ Galeres Trivia
By now, I should be copied on just about everything that you guys do in the way of activity, but please copy me or blind copy
me on any submissions to comps that you send out. Not to worry, I'm not out to steal anything away from you, but I just want to
be sure that I know what you're doing so I can stay up to date on what your activity levels are.
Big congrats to Zandro "CC" Savric Erinos for winning last week's ICTE! Also, job well done to Rho, Karel and Sashar for
showing up and playing some games in this event. I've seen some other gaming activity in the last week as well, but we probably
won't see the awards for those efforts until we get a new Gaming Tribune, so stay tuned for that.
Yes, this report is far from outstanding, but I wanted to get something out to all just to say hi and to start the ball
rolling. There are many exciting things coming soon, including my learning Dreamweaver so I can make better reports, new
Soulfire competitions and hopefully the addition of new members to our group. I want to say that I feel like I have a pretty
good handle on each of your strengths and what you like to do, but when I slip up, don't be afraid to call me on it. Also, I'm
content to have a seven-person group, but I'd love to add to that number. Be warned, however, that we won't just take anyone. I
think of this Battle Team as a truly elite unit that can hold their own with most other HOUSES and maybe even CLANS in most
respects. That means that the most important factors in considering someone as Soulfire material is their activity level and
how much our current members like the person. A personal goal of mine is to have a large majority of our number doing very well
in upcoming vendetta-type events, those that involve the whole Dark Brotherhood.
One last thing, I want to give props to Kosk and Selene, who both headed up Soulfire immediately before me. Both did a great
job and helped shape things into what they now are. I've learned so much from both of these people, and also from many of you.
As such, I don't want to let anything slip through the cracks. Let's all help each other when we need it, offer congratulations
when appropriate, call each other on mistakes that are made and last but not at all least, have a great time. Huzzah.
DJK Malidir d'Tana (Obelisk)/SGT-RM-FIC-ICTE-DV/Galeres of Arcona <font color="#FFCC66"><small>[GMRG: IND]</small></font> <font color="#FFCC66"><small>[KSOE: ENV]</small></font> <font color="#FFCC66"><small>[ACC: CL:3]</small></font>
<small>SC / StA / DC-KC / (GNB) / (BN) / Cr-4R-5A-5S-8E-1T / ECF / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF-GoF-PlF-WF-BF / DSS / SI /
LSB / S:-22D</small>
<small> {SA: KS: ToL - AIM - ICQ - IRC - IRO - MSN - GL - LA - HTML1 - ACC - CM - SC - D: KCORE - TW - ATW - FA - FP
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