Greetings Brethren,
I'll start off this report with a thank you. I appreciate all the work that you all have been doing and I'm glad to see that there has been spurts of activity here and there, more activity this week then last. You all have been doing an outstanding job and I know that we can do even better next week, let's push ourselves further so that we can tread even closer to greatness.
There hasnt been a whole lot of gaming going on and I'd like to know why?
Do you have the games and dont play or do you not have them?
So far I've noticed that only a few of us actually put our names out there in the gaming nights. Jedi Academy is ten U.S dollars. I dont know what that would be for those of you who arent American citizens but it cant be much different. Pick it up and let's play. Also there is always Allegiance. I'm quite good at that game and I'd hate to see it die out completely. It is STILL a platform and it's STILL free. Alot of the bugs have been fixed because it has been getting re-coded so there shouldnt be as many problems with installation as there was in the past. The Star Wars mod is out for it as well and it's pretty fun. Battlefront, Battlefront 2, Empire at War, Republic Command. All these games can be played here so let's play'em.
I'd also like to see people using the ACC more. If you dont game and want to write you can always participate in ACClive! in order to win some CF's.
I would really like to see more and more people getting involved with the DB as a whole instead of staying hidden in our own little channels doing our own little competitions.
This leads me to Satal Victus.
I know that I havent really given you a whole hell of alot of guidance as of late but I would like to see you guy's taking part in gaming nights and ACC functions. As a Battleteam you are an elite group of individuals who should be the most active members of the House. I know that you're busy with the BT war and all but there should still be room to expand. I would eventually like to create another BT (Later down the road) once we get more active members. Thoughts of having a writing based BT and a gaming based BT are still being worked on. If you have any feedback or ideas for that by all means email me and let me know.
I'd love to have the House communicate with me more because quite frankly I dont know what you guys are thinking. This is partially my fault I suppose. I too could participate in more conversations and I plan on doing so. I also plan on frequently emailing the HSK staff for routine checkups.
I've also started a forum topic entitled "Q+A" If you're a new member and have questions about anything DB related then post it there and I'm sure someone will get back to you with an answer.
House Competitions -
There are quite a few competitions currently running for the House.
Clan Competitions -
There is also a Clan Run On going. It can be found here -
Lots of ways to earn medals so get out there and earn them.
Electra Kais - Promoted to Novice.
Quejo Bandon Xyler x1
Achilles Theophilus x1
Vexer x1
Eton Jade x1
Dante Armand "Sunflash" al'tor x1
Dante Armand "Sunflash" al'tor x1
Devani Maharet Xyler
Devani Maharet Xyler x1
Dante Armand "Sunflash" al'tor x11
Quejo Bandon Xyler x3
Dante Armand "Sunflash" al'tor x1
SA Exams-
Kell Wraith - History of the Sith Empire II
Kell Wraith - Pre Republic History
Kell Wraith - Marksmanship
Electra Kais - Safe Computing
Darken Rahl - Sith Core
Darken Rahl - Lightsaber Studies
Jaevin Tuoraey
Electra Kais
Darken Rahl
Just to let everyone know, I will be picking the Quaestor's Hand at the end of December. Impress me and do everything you can and your name just might get picked.
If you ever need anything feel free to email Daniel Stephens and I. We'd be glad to help you all out.
Quejo Bandon Xyler
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