Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


DATE: 12_19

DJK Callus Bo'amar

He entered the meeting room and strode up to the dais. The room was simi-circular so that the speaker could address everyone and that everyone could see the speaker. Once he had his datapad plugged in the lights dimmed, the room hushed, and a hologram appeared from the projector.

Good evening everyone and welcome to the TET report. Kindof a bi weekly one this week... whatever that means.

I apologise for the report being so early but I have the oddest feeling that I'm gonna get wrapped up in some RL stuff for the latter part of the week and wanted to get a report in. Just got wrapped up in some RL stuff, yall know how it is. But got some great news to report so keep reading!


N/A :( I weep for the species


YAY! some people got shinies!

JH Jscumm - CF x17


ACO Aidyn Wolfwood - Force Philosophy, Force Alchemy, General Leadership


anyone who has active battle's let me know eh? I'd love to let people know about what you're doing.


[HOO] CF WAR:::: ::::

Basically win the most CF's and you get another shiny for the box :)


write a Haiku (17 syllables, in three sentences (5 syllables, 7syllables, and 5 syllables again) About how you feel about December.




CON-man Strat is on LoA for awhile and will be incommunicado for some time.

We all know the holidays are approaching quite rapidly. This time next week I'll have eaten my body weight in turkey, and ham and I plan to be reclining watching some Bowl Games but we'll see what happens. Just want to let yall know that I have a little Christmas (oh no did I say that :P) gift for ya on the 25th but don't worry It's gonna be good for quite awhile!

alright all you beautiful people! Take care Happy Christmas! and don't be like my uncle Earnie and drink soo much Egg Nog that you forget you're wife's name :P


Your servant,

DJK Callus Bo'Amar (Obelisk)/FL/ Oriens Obscurum of Arcona [ACC: CN:2]

DC-LC-R / (BN) / Cr-1R-1A-3S-11E-1T-4Q / CF / DSS / SoL / LSB / S:-5M-4R-3Al-2C-1D

{SA: U:TL - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:GS - K:POET - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:SB - G:TS - L:PRH - L: FPH - L:HS1 - G:AS}

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