Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

This is a historical post. I realized some of the emails I sent my BT should be counted as reports even if they are not full fledged reports.

To: the Qel-Droma phyle

CC: House and Clan Summit

From: Jedi Hunter Etah

Alright folks. Here is another awesome message for your leddah >_<

My last two comps that I made just for Qel-Droma got like, no response lol

Two comps, three entries total from two people >_<

So what do I do ? Throw my hands up in frustration ? Give up in defeat ? No

! I make three competitions :P

Sorry I didn't get this too you sooner cause the truth is, that they started

like two days ago, but you know, apathy. LOL

Also I wanted to wish our very own Esca a fond farewell. Unfortunately real

life has become more demanding than the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. So it is with

great sadness that I bid him adu. Thanks for being there for the battleteam

when we needed you :D Hope to at least see you around !

Now, happier things! Here's the comps ! Do them ! I don't care how well you

do them, we can work on quality later, for now lets just get entries :)

Especially for those of you who would like to get promoted lol Help make us

look good !

Cheers !


~ (#8075) JH Etah (Obelisk)/TET/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: IND] [ACC: CL:1]

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