Sword's Sheath Command Priority Transmission 036902H-40
Encryption Code:Amber
Public Key:file /excised access Sigma/
From:Warrior Windos Helkin Bruth'Kothae, Commander of The Praxeum, House Gladius of Tarentum
To:The Praxeum /and immediate superiors/
Subject:23.12.06 Report
Classification:RESTRICTED (BGX Directive)
//start file//
As you have all heard, I have been charged with the daily operations of House Gladius in Sato and Draniks absences. This is not overly unusual, and has been protocol for many years thought this would be the first time with no explanation as to why.
I have begun trying to break the lock down and find an explanation, but as yet my temporary command doesnt yield enough privileges.
However, you have proven to be a resourceful Battle Team and managed to be extremely active during our time stuck within the Swords Sheath.
Rodas passed four Shadow Academy courses, was named Gladius Templar twice placed in four inner circle competitions and for his efforts was awarded a Dark Cross.
Kazarelth passed two Shadow Academy courses and placed in two inner circle competitions.
Levathan placed in one inner circle competition.
Kal placed in one inner circle competition.
And Akilis Erinyes passed one Shadow Academy course and was promoted to Novice.
Good work Praxeum.
In Darkness,
//end file//
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