Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

_ The Sword now in the hands of Clan Naga Sadow, and the return over - Vladek was back in his room, typing yet another message to his Battleteam..._

Ravana Squadron

Welcome to another report, Ravana Squadron!

Today's Schedule includes:

**1: New Apprentices

2: No Tolerance

3: Stuff


New Apprentices

Krath Tyro Jaden Khaar

Krath Tyro Mordaki

No Tolerance

For those of you who actually read the emails I send out, you will now know that kill has been requested removed from Ravana Squadron. I have ZERO TOLERANCE to inactivity. You have all been warned. If you require an extension of time, what with it being the holiday period and all - please email me and the Clan Rollmaster, Acara to inform us.


My report is a day late yes, the reason for this is the fact that I was up till 11:30pm wrapping Christmas presents, and after I'd finished, fell asleep before even thinking about my report. So, sorry - but I've sent my emails, and stuff, I'm actually going to have a go at ITCE later, probably a first for me. :P

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