Greetings Prestigious Members of Satal Keto,
I'd like to apologize for the lateness of my report but what with the Holidays and all, I've been slightly busy. As of right now I'm informing you all that I'll be getting back to my DB duties by the end of this email. I've seen activity from our membership and while I'm pleased to see this activity and commend you all for your hard work, I cant help but want to see it more often. I know that the majority of you has the potential to do great thing's. Let's make a name for ourselves. Let's make Satal Keto one of the best, if not THE best House in the entire Brotherhood. It's not impossible nor is it out of reach. All we have to do is give 110% when we can and get our names out there as a House that has yet to be flushed down the toilet.
There are so many thing's we can do to make this House destroy it's opposition, but we have to WANT it in order to achieve it. I've seen people in this Clan say "I like thing's the way they are." Well...Then you must like a House that survives on cruches more then an active house that wins thing's. I'm not here to preach or to say that I'm perfect. Lord knows I need a kick in the ass to get myself going again. I TOO can do ALOT more and I plan on doing it from here on out.
Let's take this bull we call Satal Keto by the horns and dominate like I know we can.
As I'm sure most of you already know...Galthain has been opened and is led by Famosus. He will be handling any member below PRT. That's just about everything I have to say about this because I'm sure I've told you all before.
Some new competitions have been released -
BT Galthain:
BT Satal Victus:
Clan Plagueis:
Gaius Julius Caesar x1
SA Exams-
Leadership Fundamentals Passed: nariah
Leadership Applications Passed: Electra Kais
Training Saber Course Passed: Electra Kais
New Recruits:
APP Cromosone
JH Kaliidrad "Kal" Vorrac
ACO crait
APP Aon Artimis
Well this is the end of my report for this week. There will be more to my reports in the future as I build thing's within this Clan as a leader. Look forward to the New Year and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, ideas etc...You can reach Sunflash and I at...
SBL Quejo Bandon Xyler: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
SW Sunflash: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Thank you all for your your efforts and congrats to those of you who earned some thing's. Keep it up and you will undoubtedly be rewarded.
So let it be written, so let it be done,
Quejo Bandon Xyler
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