Report time, kiddies.
I'm hoping that everyone had a happy holiday and has a designated driver picked out for tomorrow's festivities so you can all make it home in one piece. <p>
Anyway, a lot of the work I've been doing is infrastructure stuff for some huge projects coming up. As such, it's rather difficult to show them off without explaining things for an hour, so I'll just keep them under my hat for the time being...until the rest of the work is done and we're ready for release. I've dropped some hints as to the scope of this project on my blog, so go dig there if you want more details. I'm not making an official announcement because of the sheer amount of work involved, and i don't want to put a public timeframe on it...I'm not one to set myself up for failure. ;)<p>
Speaking of things about to be released, the next week or so will see society based robes being released... that is to say that if you are a member of the ACC, GMRG, or Envoys, you'll be able to select robes that only those society members may choose. I've run around the various powers that be with the designs, and everyone's pretty happy with what I've come up with.
Some clickage, maestro:
There's been some other discussion about stuff specific to different societies, ranks in said societies, and order/force schools, and I like the ideas getting tossed around. Unfortunately, as with anything else in the DB, we're in need of coders to help make it happen... So if you or one of your buddies is a codemonkey in hiding, drop Sildrin, Jac and Sarin an email. It'd be quite appreciated.<p>
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Expansions to the Selector
8 new sabers were released for Equites to try out. Yes, I know that the Knights would really like more sabers to choose from. Unfortunately for you, I still think that at Knight, you should only have those sabers like in the films. So :P
On with the clickage:
The Verdant<p>
For the Record, the Verdant was a collaboration between Sildrin and I. Sildrin's an excellent artist as well as a talented coder, so many thanks go out to her.
The Immolate model was designed fully by Eldrad Sin, another incredible artist. I've seen some of Eldrad's other works around the DB, and I'm rather impressed.
And finally, my Magistrate, Raven, came up with the Indictor. Raven's done a lot of great work with sabers and the Warbanner project, work that helped him get his recent promotion to Krath Priest. Congratulations, Raven, and welcome to the Equites.
There were a lot of other things that got upgraded...and immediately the robes spring to mind. As another holiday present, three more robe kits got put into the selector.<p>
TIE pilot Uniforms are now available to our members of DJK or higher, a far less bulky option in the cramped cockpits of our starfighters. For those of us who prefer to get up close and personal, the Vindicator robes offer a dynamic and combat worthy uniform, with shorter sleeves and tight fitting gauntlets. And finally, Everyone wants to be like Mac. the Alchemist robes are some of the most popular robes to date among the Equites. With sharp styling originally designed for Macron, people seem to have found a new favorite.<p>
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Sometimes, this is how I feel when on IRC. ;)
My last car's colour...was a little on the dark side."[<p>
In Darkness,
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Gee nice stuff, and thanks!
Yea for Envoy robes!
Those Royal Krath Robes are simply amazing. Great work.
I think you must have uploaded the wrong file, those GMRG Krath robes should be pink :P
Excellent work as always! Nice to see a degree of separation for the Equites. :)