Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth
Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos
House Report - 12-30-06
Greetings, Disciples of Ragnos, and those of you viewing this from the Clan and Brotherhood at large. For some reason, apparantly people read these things who they don't have any effect on.
As most of you should be aware, Tuesday will be my last day online before my surgery. I've taken an optimistic look at things, and I fully expect i'll be back and kicking before anyone realizes I'm gone. As things stand now, I should be discharged from the hospital Friday night, and I'll hopefully be able to make the Conclave next Saturday. I'm not sure how much I'll be online for the first few weeks, my doctor says I'll be sleeping quite a bit, but, as I'll be stuck in bed, I expect I'll be online quite a bit.
The House
Today marks 16 weeks, four months, as Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos. With 2006 coming to an end in just a few short hours (in some parts of the world, just over a day in others), I've taken some time to reflect on the past year.
Clan Naga Sadow has, quite literally, been a monster in 2006. We kicked some serious butt in a Great Jedi War. We've watched numerous members of the clan take up positions on the Dark Council. An infant leadership has grown, and learned to work together as a good team.
And, somewhere in there, House Marka Ragnos has made it through another year. It's been a bit rough, at times. Lots of leadership changes and various disputes have led to a large ammount of chaos, but we've endured. Shikyo and myself have come into our own as a Summit, and in my eyes, have been leading this House towards better times. Beneath us, a new generation of leaders is developing, preparing to step up into stronger roles as they are called forth.
For some reason, when I think of House Marka Ragnos, I think of a line from 'Full Metal Jacket'. Four months ago, no one knew how this would work, there was doubt and outright anger at many things. But now, we, like the soldiers in that movie, have grown into a cohesive group, and grown beyond the control of anyone.
As you are all aware, House Marka Ragnos recently lost to House Ludo Kressh in the House Feud. However, I want to highlight a few things. Your very own Aedile, Shikyo, took home the MVP title, coming very close to doubling the points of his nearest competitor. This house totally swept the fiction events, and held its own in a few others. Like the GJW, we may not have won, but we proved that we are a dominating force. We were outnumbered, and outskilled, but we fought to the end.
So, for all of you, I thank you, for giving me a house to be proud of. Thanks.
As you should have all heard by now, our Proconsul, Kat Pridemore, will be stepping down tomorrow, ending a good career, of which most of was served in House Marka Ragnos. While I personally have had many misgivings and disputes with Kat, I can't deny that she has served this House and Clan well. I ask that you all join me in thanking her for her service, and wishing her luck in whatever she persues.
Obviously, at some point, someone will have to replace her as Proconsul, and regardless who it may be, I also ask that all of you in House Marka Ragnos welcome that person with open arms, and give them the support they will need to do their job.
Derev's Year in Review
So, wow. I can't help but say it's been a good year for me, I've had a lot of fun in the Brotherhood, and had a lot of opportunities to do a lot of things in the Brotherhood. This year saw two long tours as Magistrate to both the Master at Arms and Seneschal, as well as my second tour as Rollmaster of Naga Sadow. I also had the opportunity to author and grade my own exam in the Shadow Academy - Sith History I. Obviously, I was also given the opportunity to serve as Quaestor of this house. For all of this, and more, I've grown in the Brotherhood. I earned myself something I thought would never happen, a Jewel Award, my Sapphire Blade. I was promoted, something I also thought may never come again. But more important then any rank or award, I've formed bonds and relationships with many people in this House and Clan, and further strengthened other relationships.
I've also had a chance to broaden my horizons, I've joined the ACC, and had quite a bit of fun in the process. Heck, I even earned my first Cluster of Fire (thanks Raven :-D). I've found that I enjoy writing a great deal, and I'm not too bad, either.
Looking into 2007
With 2007 knocking on our doors, I've spent time reflecting both for my real life, and the Brotherhood, and what I would like to accomplish this year. In the Brotherhood, I've made my own new years resolutions, most importantly, that I will continue to serve this Clan that I love so much, in whatever capacity I am allowed or able to do.
A Peak at Real Life
As I hinted to all of you a little while back, a very special person has come into my life. For the past month, I've been head over heels in love with a girl named Brittany. Against the advice of my parents, friends, and everyone else, myself and Brittany officially moved in together two nights ago. I say officially, because since we've met, theres only been three or four nights that we haven't slept at each others house anyway. As myself and Brittany move into 2007, I see good things in my future. I have no doubt I will marry this girl one day. And, not only does she know more about Star Wars then me, but shes totally cool with me and the Brotherhood, in fact, shes laying in bed behind me right now, just watching TV. I think it's awesome that we can have a bond like this, and not have to worry about being "forced out" of the Brotherhood.
I'd like to ask everyone once again, just to keep me in your thoughts and prayers for the next few days. As I said, I have no doubt I'll be back and kicking before long, but all the help is appreciated. Beyond myself, I want to ask all of you to keep doing exactly what you've been doing. I can't even put into words how I appreciate the members of this house, and how you all pull together to make this club what it is.
And, one final note, everyone have an extra drink (or five) for me tomorrow night. I only get a glass of champagne, so this'll be the first New Year's since...I can't remember, that I won't be totally intoxicated :)
And with that, I bid you a fond farewell, and wish you a Happy New Year!
Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth
Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos
SBM Derevko Niroth (Sith)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [ACC: CL:1]
SB / GC / SC-SoP / AC / DC / (GN) / (BN) / DSS / SI / SoL / LSP / S:-11D
{SA: KS: ToL - IRC - IRO - ACC - CM - HS1 - O: SCORE - TS - MRK}
Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth
Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos
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