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:: Clan Plagueis CON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis CON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->6<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->30 December<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2006
<td style="background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;" align="center">
:: **From CON/SBL Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor** :: </td>
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~ I haven't done one of these in a long time, and I hate myself for it. Come to think of it, I realize that I have not been doing so well as Consul at all. That will soon change, however. In the future, starting with 2007, there will be a new Aabsdu, as well as a new Clan Plagueis. I'm going to start holding many more competitions every month, so that you all have tons of chances to earn some cool crescents. I'm going to start getting these bi-weekly reports going again, sometimes weekly if I feel like one is really needed. I'm going to start sending out more emails to keep everyone informed, etc. Things are about to change, and I'm proud to say that they will be changing for the better.
~ Jaysen Erdon was recently chosen as Clan Envoy, and he's doing a great job so far. He's keeping up with points as needed. Remember that if you do something we don't get emails for, make sure that he knows. Also, if you are interested in becoming a master, or are looking for one, then email him and he will set you up. Devani was also chosen as the House Satal Keto Envoy, and the House Exar Kun Envoy will soon be announced. It looks like once again we will have a full leadership.
~ I hope everyone has a cool Christmas, or whatever else you celebrate, because I know I did. Tons of movies, games, everything a Star Wars nerd could ask for. Speaking of presents, the leadership is currently doing the Monthly Member Evaluations for December, so you may just see a present coming your way in the near future. First week of January to be exact.
~ House Exar Kun Aedile is currently open to applications. If you are interested, please email Ky and Orzon. Aabsdu would really like it if he was emailed as well, though. That's what I was told, at least. The requirements are listed on the DB News Page, so go take a look if you think you have what it takes.
~ Recently, a new gaming server by Lucius was released. I used it today to have some fun with mules and crap. It's a good server, although not too many are bad. Also, starting next week gaming days will be switching off between Tuesday/Thursday and Monday/Wednesday/Friday. This will go on for one month, after which Lucius will choose the most active days to continue on with. I might also add that it was me who gave him this idea, not to brag :P
~ Congratulations to Dalthid on making Dark Jedi Master and TroutTrooper, who we all love, on his nice shiney Ruby Scepter!
~ The Clan Military Possessions Document was recently released, and it is updated with everything that we currently own. Vess and I are still in the process of working on the articles, but now that it seems like everything is in order I think we'll be able to move along nicely. Our fleet is ok. Some clans are better, but then others we would give them a run for their money. Our ground forces aren't bad either, but could definitely get better. Despite these things, though, I still think we are the best clan in the brotherhood. Why? Because of our members. Yes, that was major suck up points, but it is true nonetheless.
<font color="darkred">****</font>
~ The Projects and Plans Report is going well. We filled the Sistros Roster, and I will soon be releasing competitions just for those members on that roster. I'll also be releasing competitions for Feudal Roster people. First, however, we must fill up the roster a bit more. If we can't get more of the positions filled, and I don't mean all of them, then I will must likely take away cities and keep it to planets and continents. This will limit the number of positions, but will promise that all of the positions are filled. There may be other comprimises, though, and I am looking into that.
~ The House War, which some of you knew about, titled Plagueis Olympics '07 will not be happening in January. Orzon went on LoA, and I just never got around to writing it up. We could put something together, but I don't want to rush it and then it be crap. As such, I will try and run it in Febuary/March, but we have to be careful since there is a Rite of Supremecy and Great Jedi War coming up in the near future, but those probably won't happen until closer to summer. I can tell you now that the Clan Epic will not be happening until August at the earliest.
~ I will soon be running more competitions, and I mean more. Writing, gaming, everything. My Game, Game, Game! competition will continue one throughout 2007. Basically, all you have to do is game and earn Clusters of Fire. I'll also start doing other competitions, some easy like Kitten Cannon, and others more challening like a fiction or group fiction, etc. Over time, I'll start releasing more of the competitions that get lots of participation and less of those that don't.
~ The DJKWiki is coming along. We're working on getting all the articles linked up, and I'm working on getting the information updated/written on things. This project should be finished soon, I hope. As usual, help would be great, and would really push things along. Also, the Crimson Tide Histori is finished, I just have to look through it and get it's approval from the other leaders, and then it will be placed on the Wiki Page. For those that don't know what the Tide is, you soon will. Basically, though, they are a pirate organization that is our arch nemesis, dating back all the way to the time of Clan Exar Kun. Their history, however, dates back all the way to the Rise of the Empire Era. Find out more soon! I'm really looking for writers to help me with the Wiki, so please email me if you are interested. Thanks.
~ Like I said, the fleet is coming along slowly. I'll soon be siting down to work on updating the history, mainly the beginning of it. The system just needs to be looked at and made sure everything is right, which I will also be doing soon. I told you about the Clan Epic and House War, the possessions will also be looked at soon. Clan ACC Arena is being worked on by Quejo, so bug him about that, websites are being kept up with, and I'll also be looking through the Clan Powers soon. Things are good. Slow and quiet, but good. That will soon change, though. The first part, at least.
~ I have been Editor of the Plagueis Chronicle since September. During that time I have release one issue, but the triple month issue is on it's why, just waiting on the coding from Bubba. Due to being Consul and my other duties, however, I am stepping down as Editors. Tolter, my Assistant, will be taking over, and I have full faith that he will do well. He'll also be able to put a lot more time into things then I could. Tolter, I believe you have a January issue to start working on getting articles for :D
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:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
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Well, let's see. This is my sixth Consul Report. In the last five, I have talked about being active, the ACC, and the GMRG. Every week, in case you haven't caught on, I talk about one way you can be active, thus bringing you closer to awards and promotions. This will continue until there is nothing left to talk about, at which time I will start repeating myself by using different words to say the same thing. Either way, I don't have anything to talk about this report, but here's a list of things I will be talking about in reports to come: Writer's Corner, Competition, Shadow Academy, IRC, Message Boards, Email, Gaming, DJBWiki, Dark Voice, and the Plagueis Chronicle. That should keep me, and you, busy for about the next three to four months. Anyways, enough babbling, until next time, May the Force Be With You. Dupar out.
<font color="red">Clan Plagueis Consul Sith Battlelord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor</font>
<font color="red">"_"A leader is nothing without people to lead.
Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
Seeing isn't Believing; Believing is Seeing.
Ask me any question you want, it's the answer you should be worried about."_"
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>
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I love you, too, Aabs and CP :D