_DJK Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae (Sith) #6447
Aedile of Oriens Obscurum
House Oriens Obscurum
Clan Arcona_
Greetings Oriens Obscurum,
I should report as soon as I can while the ComLink is now in full speed. Yay! Hope it wont be getting down again. ISP Switching to satelite connection with the fiberoptic cable will be awesome. Not much intro though.. here we go to the Oriens Aedile report that will be the last in 2006 !
Pretty slow for everything, stores closed, schools closed, institutions closed, banks closed but here several competitions are still on, counting down until 31th. [HOO]RunOn : Hunt for the Quaestor, check the latest post in the MB forum and the mailing list emails.[HOO] Hunt the Hunter, thank you for Ashura of accompanying me to be the Hunter. [HOO]Oriens Obscurum CF War and [HOO]Biweekly FT, HOO and I topic, in character, one page story. If you are still having time to slack, get on to those. Still enough time to work on them
Congrats for JScum of gaining other Legion of the Scholar. Other session of trivia will be launched on January. For the Haiku...we got Jaxion as the first and Aidyn for the second. Congrats. Medals are on their ways.
Welcome back to ACO Qu-Le Borg, and for others in semi LoA or idle, enjoy your holidays! Hope you'll come back soon !
More and more robe and lightsaber hilts presented from the Herald. Most of them still for Equites and above. DJK has also new limited options of robes, one of them is TIE pilot costume, which Odin (my character) wears on the his profile section. Cool enough!
New Gaming Changes announced by Tribune Lucius. To be able to play in Sunday Invitational Tournaments (SIT) every two week respectively, you should play 6 matches in any platform within those two weeks.
In January, we will have flipflop of gaming days, start from this sunday, it'll go with Monday(1st), Wednesday(3rd), Friday(5th). Next SIT will be on 7th. So, play folks! Place the shinies on your trays!
Congratulations to DJM Dalthid on his advancement and to Praetor to GM Troutrooper for his Ruby Sceptre.
A competition from MAA Office until 1/7/2007. Upgrade names are needed for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side and the Dark Cross. Three names are needed for the GC and 7 for the DC. They should have a "theme" of some sort so that a progression can be seen. Send all submissions to MAA Halcyon Rokir at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The last ICTE was incredibly presented. Hope there will be another occassion like that. Next ICTE will be on 6th January. Be there, folks!
Then we move to the specific spots.
[HOO] Runon : Hunt for the Quaestor<sup> NEW</sup>
HOO Runon released both in email and Message board, DJB forum
[HOO]Hunt the Hunter<sup> NEW</sup>
Hunt me/Ashura in JO/BF2/JA (if I can manage the installment) especially in ICTE or other gaming days. Contact me/Ashura if you want specific times, one day more before it ends.
[HOO]Bi-Weekly FT<sup> NEW</sup>
Topic in character story "HOO and I" (one page minimum).The end date will be Dec, 31 (extended).
[HOO] Oriens Obscurum CFs War<sup> NEW</sup>
The new form, still continue for the gaming ACC Live! CFs earning. Play, play, play!
[HOO]Legion of Boral
December LoB is still on watch
HOO Battle Teams
None at the moment
Clan Arcona
DB Wide
Fiction Tribune's Epic Competition, two months writing :D.<sup>NEW</sup>
GC and DC Upgrades<sup>NEW</sup>
<a href= http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=2231>Cotelin. Jac. Cotelin.><sup>NEW</sup>
<a href= http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=2220>[T:F] Seasons greeting released ><sup>NEW</sup>
Multiplayer Gaming Day in #dbgaming (this week days are Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Monday( SIT).
ICTE every Saturday in #outerrim, the next ICTE will be January 6, 2007. Go for it!
Welcome to ACO Qu-Le Brog. Welcome home.
None. Seems all students are having their holidays.
PRT Aidyn Wolfwood : Legion of the Scholar x1
JH JScumm : Cluster of Fire x33,
DJK Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae : Cluster of Fire x151, Crescent with Sapphire Star x1
DJK Ashura "Megos" Isradia : Cluster of Fire x2,
DJK Callus Bo'Amar : Legion of The Scholar x1
Still carried on, nothing judged yet for HOO members' battles
41 Members, increasing steadily
(#155)Epis Alex d'Tana
(#25)Archpriest Timeros Caesus Entar
(#3247)Archpriest Vithril Isradia Kunar
(#4793)Templar Drodik Va'lence al'Tor
(#3651)Dark Jedi Knight Kalika
(#4195)Dark Jedi Knight Callus Bo'Amar
(#4297)Dark Jedi Knight Desdemonea
(#4782)Dark Jedi Knight Ashura "Megos" Isradia
(#6447)Dark Jedi Knight Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae
(#7764)Jedi Hunter JScumm
(#4817)Guardian Keno
(#4888)Guardian Jet Kasto
(#5648)Guardian Dorn Ty'Rodius Ravr
(#5760)Guardian Bran Redmow
(#6702)Guardian Neophyte
(#5339)Protector Korenaga No Maragor
(#6404)Protector Rich Gun
(#6643)Protector Aidyn Wolfwood
(#7640)Protector Sight Nortorshin
(#8145)Protector Fionn dan Locut'Hal
(#7135)Acolyte Krakkenthrrar
(#7135) Acolyte Qu-Le Brog
(#8038)Acolyte Jaxion
(#8098)Acolyte Vladimir Vosmus
(#8193)Acolyte Zeke
(#8175)Novice Nefarious
(#8197)Novice silus
(#8230)Novice tsu kratos
(#8259)Novice moreke
(#8274)Novice ZylexBo'amar
(#8156)Apprentice Kama Adri'tya
(#8212)Apprentice darrien
(#8226)Apprentice Zolnierz Romek
(#8243)Apprentice Loyde
(#8275)Apprentice Solace
(#8304) Apprentice tormak
(#8318) Apprentince Melkior
(#8334) Apprentince lixarn
(#8346) Apprentince Reapsta
(#8349) Apprentince itz Attaks
(#8336) Apprentice Rhoden
Well, we have passed 2006 with up and down, the mist of life. One thing we will go further if we wish to do and have something better than today, better for tomorrow. On my service in the last quarter of 2006, I thought it was still not maximum, however as long as the intention and effort never faded away, the progress will be still on board. See you next year on happier days!
_Happy New Year 2007! _
In Darkness,
DJK Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae(Sith)/AED/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
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