Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


DATE: 1_4

DJK Callus Bo'Amar

Callus stumbled up the stairs into the meeting room and fell into a chair on the dais. He plopped 2 alka-seltzer into a glass of water and pulled out a thermos full of CBO's hang-over cure. The ingrediants are still a mystery to all except the concoctor himslef. Callus drained the Thermos and contorted his face into an ungodly expression.

"Hello... obviously I partied alot over the holidays. But somthing about Auld Lange Zine or somthing and happy new year."

Ok I know it's been like a week or two since my last report, not like anyone noticed as the fact that uh... well ok so I haven't seen my INBOX since the 19th of December but uh... :P ok so lets get it going eh?


Aidyn Wolfwood to PRT


DJK Callus Bo'Amar - Legion of the Scholar

PRT Aidyn Wolfwood - Legion of the Scholar

JH JScumm - Cluster of Fire x39

=SA Exams=

Aidyn Wofwood - Advanced test of Wisdom


Those of you who don't know the big competition of the new year is underway.

Title: [HOO} Hunt for the Quaestor


Quaestor Alex has been kidnapped by a group of hired hands. It's up to the

members of the house to rescue him.

This is a very delacate mission as the life of our quaestor is in our


This will be a run-on to take place in the HOO section of the Arcona


(this competition has the complete support of the HOO summit)

Start Date: 12/25/2006

End Date: 2/4/2007

Unit in Competition: House Oriens Obscurum



Run-on, will take place on the HOO section of the Arcona message boards


4th level Crescents to the top place finishers judged on post count and



Competition will be run and judged by DJK Callus Bo'amar

THE COMPETION IS IN THE MESSAGE BOARDS!!! GO THERE POST OR.... somthing really nasty could possibly happen to you!

=Other News=

Ok I guess I should just go ahead and get this out of the way, don't worry I'll remind you again, From the 12th of January at about 12:20 untill January 21st at 11:35 I will be LoA. We're taking a trip to Europe for that time there and so yeah I obviously won't give a rat's tail what you guys are doing here.

Ok untill next time I bore you with... boredom

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