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:: Clan Plagueis CON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis CON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->7<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->8 January<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2007
<td style="background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;" align="center">
:: **From CON/SBL Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor** :: </td>
<td style="background-color: black; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;">
<!-- #BeginEditable "news" -->
~ Gaming ladders recently opened for JA, JO, BF2, EaW, and Racing. If you are interested, just email the Gaming Tribune Lucius and he'll team you up. The ladders work in elimination style with best out of three, so if you win you keep going, if you lose then you get the boot... from the ladder. Let's show our Clan Plagueis pride and get some participation in! Sadly, I don't have the time to participate myself, but that doesn't mean the rest of you can't!
~ Muz is looking for a new Praetor, so if you have graphics skills send him an application. Now only will it be fun, but I can all but promise that you'll be greatly awarded. Speaking of Muz, he recently released three new robes for societies: GMRG, ACC, and Envoys. I myself am contempt with my current robes, but I will say that these new ones are super sweet. The GMRG one rocks for you combat types, and the Envoy one is very sophisticated. Yes, I know, big words, don't panic.
~ Some news to you leaders and anyone else who runs a competition, from now on try to include a list of all participants in the results announcement. Not only is this good competition running, but it also helps the leaders, especially Jaysen with his Promotion Points upkeep. Also, remember the crescent rule: If less then three people participate in a competition, raise the crescent level.
~ Jaysen was appointed Clan Envoy, and despite having RL troubles is still doing a good job for a beginner Clan Envoy. Dismal was appointed House Exar Kun Aedile, and Laigerick was moved up to Exar's Shadow Battle Team Leader. Congrats to all of you, I know you'll do well!
~ Khobs stepped down as Commander of the Guard, finally! As for his replacement, there won't be one. The Grand Master's Royal Guard is being replaced. There is good news, though. First, the new system will be open to all gamers, so it won't be so much a society. Second, there will be no need for a leader, which means we don't have to worry about another Khobs coming around. Third, current GMRG members will be allowed to keep some of their loyalty, which I know I'm thankful for.
~ The clan itself is going well. We need to work on competition participation a lot, but besides that I love it. I'd said it before, and I'll say it again, and absolutely love being Consul of Clan Plagueis. We're not the most active, but we make up for it in other areas. We totally rock, dudes!
<font color="darkred">****</font>
~ Well, recently the clan summit started working like it is suppose to, more or less. How things will work from now on is Orzon is handling most of the projects on that report I released. I'm sure he's looking for help, so just give him a holla. I'll just be checking in now and then, but he is the main leader of the projects. I'm still working on my own things, though. One is the Wiki, then there's the Clan Epic that Orzon, myself, and Sunflash are all working on. I'll also still do the ACC Arena for Clan Plagueis and the website upkeep. Like I said earlier, things are looking good.
~ Recently, I've heard a lot of talk about how people want a house war. I've really heard the talk from leaders. Well, I'll say it now that there will be one. Not because of the talk, though. It's actually been in the works since the beginning of December. This is the main project that I'm working on right now. It won't be a House War literally, though. What it will be, and you've heard this before, is the Plagueis Olympics. The houses will be competing, but in a friendly competitive way. It won't be like this all the time, but for now it is. If you're curious, the best thing I can tell you to do is watch old tapes of the Olympics. It'll be just like that. Compete in events, winners for each event. All participants will earn individual and house points. At the end, there will be three individual winners and a winning house. Not sure what the houses will win, but it'll be something sweet. As for individual awards, third level crescents for each event and second level for the overall points. It'll be sweet.
~ I'll tell you now that we are completely book until August. Here is the schedule right now. Keep in mind that the chances of this chaning are 99%. January we're just having normal stuff like competitions, etc. February we'll have the Plagueis Olympics. March/April is suppose to be the Rite of Supremecy. That will lead into the Seventh Great Jedi War in May/June/July. August will be our cool down month. Normal competitions, etc. Just a month long break, methaphorically speaking. September/October is when I'm looking to run the clan epic. That's the schedule for now, but like I said, it'll change.
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:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
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This week conclusion talks about gaming, which right now is going through several changes, or at least testing changes. Gaming days are being tested for one. Last week they were on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This week they are back to normal, but next week they will go back to the odd days, if you could call them that. After a month of this, it's already been a week, the most active days will keep being used, I suppose. Another thing that's going on right now is the ladders, which were talked about in the Current Events section.
Now, why is gaming a cool thing to do? While, one is earns you Clusters of Fire. Not only do these help you earn merit awards and promotions, but if you earn enough you may place in my monthly Game, Game, Game competition, which means crescents, medals, and promotions just for gaming. Secondly, gaming is just fun. Games rock as they are, but now you're playing against people you know, more or less. It's fun, time wasting, distracts you from the troubles of real life. It is amazing! The brotherhood supports all SW-related games pretty much, but if you need to check just look at the Submit Scores page.
<font color="red">Clan Plagueis Consul Sith Battlelord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor</font>
<font color="red">"_"A leader is nothing without people to lead.
Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
Seeing isn't Believing; Believing is Seeing.
Ask me any question you want, it's the answer you should be worried about."_"
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>
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