As I mentioned once before, I am a foodie. Unapologetically so. I love food. I love searching for the greatest taco (Taqueria el Toro, 598 Valencia St, SF California 94110 have THE BEST prawn tacos EVER), the best French fries (Bouchon, 6534 Washington St, Yountvill California 94599), the best steak au poivre (Les Halles, 411 Park Ave South, New York New York 10016) or even the best fried chicken (Blue Jay Café, 919 Divisadero St, SF California 94115). There's something else about being a foodie that attracts the adventurous. We're not satisfied with the TGI McFunsters. We loathe them in fact. Where everyone else raves about Chili's Awesome Blossom , or the potato skins at TGI Fridays, we imagine pumping that $8 into enough taco's for 2 ravenous college students at places with stuff so good you start going "Taco wha?"
It isn't that I'm a food snob. I'll admit, I am a snob. Not when it comes to food, though. When it comes to food, it just has to taste good. Unlike gourmands and gourmets, I can actually enjoy ice box pie, a milkshake or even a good burger (no McDonald's please). Is it too much to ask that my French fries be crisp? That they have that snap to them that is indicative of blanching them in cooler oil before frying in hot oil? That they remind me of the fries my friend Nicole's mom used to make and showed me how to make as a kid? That my food have some flavor to it that isn't overspiced or overdone?
<p>That's the other thing about foodies. We actually respect our food. Try this out for a change. Next time you order that well done steak. Take a close look at it. A really close look at it. Compare it to the steaks at the table that are medium or medium rare. Is yours just a little more stiff? Flatter? The juices a lot less visible. That isn't indicative of the meat being thoroughly cooked; it is, however, indicative that they used an older piece of meat. In the restaurant business, the cooks don't waste good, fresh cuts of meat on well done. They use the stuff that's been in the reach in (refrigeration unit close to the prep station) that's been there for more than a week. Some of you who love your well done are probably thinking, "They would never do that!" or "They can't do that!" They do and they can. The thing about chefs and cooks is that they respect food. They respect people that like food. They don't respect people who treat food like a leper. If you're going to bastardize your food by ordering your steaks or your eggs well done, why not toss you the stuff that's been in the refrigerator longer? If they make it medium rare, chances are the customer will notice and/or get sick. The guy getting the well done filet mignon? He wouldn't know a good cut of meat from an old shoe. Give him whatever's been back there the longest and trim it to look like what he's expecting.
<p>Wait a minute, how could Oberst possibly know this? That's what you're asking yourself right now, isn't it? The easy answer? I know cooks. I know chefs. Some of my friends cook on the line at a greasy spoon and some of them cook at some of the best restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area. Two of them, have the distinction of cooking for restaurants that recently received stars in the Michelin Guide to SF Bay Area and Wine Country. One of them is at a one star, and the other is at one of the handful of two star restaurants. And we love to eat and we love to cook. We are foodies. They share tips and tricks with me, that I use in my everyday cooking. And I religiously apply my knife techniques (damn good for an amateur, if I do say so) to impress and woo friends and liaisons
What could I possibly be getting at here? Why is this gastronome ranting at us? I'm trying to get you to try something new. If all you've ever done is order your steaks well done and balk at pink centers. Try that medium rare steak. If you swear up and down that you hate seafood, chances are you've never had good seafood. Find that fish shop in town that is good, in other words it doesn't smell like fish, and trust the chef to plate up something that will make your taste buds sing. Put down the box of Ho-Ho's or Twinkies and head over to your local bakery, not supermarket, and check out their selection of fresh pastries that morning. In fact, don't even buy the box of Ho-Ho's or Twinkies, instead pick up a cannoli. Forget Chevy's or Taco Bell! If you're in N. America, chances are there's a taqueria close by that serves up better, more authentic Mexican fare than either of those two places. At the very least, the ingredients will be fresher. Fresh Mex at Chevy's? I don't think so. I've seen their shipping manifests. They have canned goods back there. Seriously. Go back there and check. You want good, fresh food, try the local restaurants. Mom & Pop shops or even the trendier bar and grills in your hometown. Hell, if you're lucky to live in a more metropolitan area, head downtown. Pick up the Zagat guide or Michelin Guide for your city. There will always be food better, cheaper and far more fun than the TGI McFunsters can ever give you, and there will always be bars and bartenders better than they have any day of the week.
On to the news
Karel and Storm both pick up Elite Cluster's of Fire. Good job, guys Karel also picked up an LSS, double kudos to Karel Kudos also go out to Korras, Kateyes, Windos, Bane, Storm, Karel, Odin and Merlance on their CF's.
SA Runons are still going on, and The Praxeum + Gladius Summits are leading the pack with more posts than any other runon. You guys rock There's a ladder signup going on right now, for JA/JO, BF2, EaW and JA Racing. If you're interested, e-mail Lucius at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and be sure to cc myself and Bloodfyre My name that town comp is still running for the entire Clan And Saitou's SAW'ed off whopper comp is still running. You can find info on all of these competitions on the competitions page of or e-mail me.
Other Goings On
DA Telona Murrage has rejoined the Clan. Yay! the DV's Editor in Chief, for those that didn't know, is a former Proconsul for the Clan For anyone still interested in fleshing out the fiction of their character, I'm still accepting requests to join the junior ranks of the Clan military. For more info, e-mail me For those interested, I am still accepting applications for an advanced writing course. Unlike other Shadow Academy courses, this one requires a lot more work and runs for 16 weeks. If you would like further information or to sign up for the course see my post on the DB news page or e-mail me.
Archangel asked me to pass on that the Lumina Corporation is proudly offering their graphical services to all and sundry. For more information, you can e-mail him at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Strategos, Consul of Clan Arcona wished to share that he is awesome to which Beowolf would like to addend that he smells like pwn-sauce.
Heads Up
For the month of February, we will be conducting "War Game" exercises. More information will be disclosed as we get closer to 2/1/07. Just know that if you wish to get a chance at taking part in the "elite" portion of the War Games, you should become drastically active, as your Summits will be splitting you up into competition teams (think Olympics).
Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae,
Proconsul of Clan Tarentum
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