Time for a report from the SCL office.
The new competition page is out. It was a good project to give me a jump back into the world of asp. It teached me a lot - made me dispair at times and sometimes smile at some cool features. Thanks for Jac about the layout ideas - and that paging idea of yours actually made me grow 1 or 2 grey hairs. :D
I could have implemented a lot more into this page. I have so many more ideas in my mind, but this is the point where a codemonkey has to consider whether to get lost in too many details or to go on and anounce the project as "currently finished". And I have so much more to do. A huge pile is waiting for me, and yet I have only finished a small pile.
What else is new to the world of the DJB?
Maybe those who fight in the ACC have seens those changes already.
a) added elapsed time since last post
b) added post number
c) a little cleaner design
d) massive code cleaning :D
a) You can now see the elapsed time after the last post, e.g.:
Elapsed Time Since Last Post10D 19H 7M
So you can easily check how much time there is left untill the timeout comes.
b) I was confused when I read comments from judges when they wrote "in post number x you wrote...". And I found myself counting each post. I was so annoyed and thought: If it annoys / confuses me, it will also confuse others. So I added the post number.
c) I pushed the general informations about the battle on top - even if there are comments by judges. The basic informations who / where/ what/ when / etc. should be always visible at once.
d) I won't go into this, but the code was messy ;) Too messy for me, so I cleaned it up as good as possible
New robes / sabers had been made by Muz and I added them. Additionally I cleaned up the drop down box. Making it more clear to the higher ranks what robes / sabers are available to them due to their rank. Additionally I sorted the robes / sabers by their names and cleaned up the page a bit.
Society robes - yay.
Really cool looking society robes for members of the ACC, GMRG and the Envoy society. It took me a little to figure out how to find out who is part of a society.
Bugfixes about showing emails while not being logged in. On a couple of pages the email adresses of people were still showing up, although not logged in. This includes the battleteam-page. The character sheet for the ACC and the search results within the roster.
Updates of the official IRC channels on the irc-guide page and the shadow academy introduction text for the IRC course. #krath is no longer an official channel. #DBPA and #DBGaming was added. #DB_PA was corrected into #DBPA
Probably I did some more stuff I simply forgot to list here. :)
I have a lot of nice and interesting projects for the future time. So more to come from the monkey side of the code!
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gets out his dusty old ASP book and starts to read Yaknow, it'd be so much easier to have done it in PHP... meh.
Congrats on your promotion, Sildrin!