Crimson Vanguard Report #1
Jedi Huntress AlMeda Zarco stood on the walkway spanning the distance of the inside of the volcanic cone that was now her base of operations Archanis. The heat shielding surely filtered most of the heat from what remained of the magma that still flowed below but did not cancel the re glow that emanated, the same red glow that bathed AlMedas already reddish hair, bringing it to a Hellish glow. She wore the red and grey robes of a Sith though, so far as everyone knew, she still claimed Krath heritage. Her light skin and green eyes shone in stark contrast to her choice of clothes and location as she stared into the eyes of her team members to address her battle team, the Crimson Vanguard, for the first time.
Greetings. The word crimson brings to mind blood, heat, passion, anger, fluidity. The word vanguard necessarily implies leadership, the first, the front. To exemplify our namesake we must, therefore, be first in all things Sith, Krath and Obelisk. Let our hand cut the first piece from the best of the best. As with any vanguard, our numbers are yet small but our effect must be decisive. Whether in open battle or covertly, let us wade into the fray so that whispers of the Crimson Vanguard bring downcast eyes and shudders to our foes.
This base needs a good cleaning. There is no telling what has inhabited this place while it was largely inactive and, later, when a force still unknown briefly occupied it. We are going to form a search party and sterilize any unwelcome life forms from this base and the adjoining areas. That effort begins soon. You are expected to participate in those efforts. It is a good way of getting some trigger time and being made, Archanis style.
[OOC: The details of the competition are here:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&filter=upcoming&ID=2320 Look for the thread on the message boards here: ]
I am pleased to see the accomplishments you have already made even in the short time since your assignment to this team. Daar Kareth has achieved a Cluster of Fire and taken the Advancement Survey. Zack Fayne has completed his lightsaber studies with the Shadow Academy and passed the ACC Initiates Course. Fire Knight has earned a Cluster of Fire. Rannik has been at work on his advancement. As always, keep me informed of your progress.
[I also urge you to participate in Fire Knights competition, the details of which are found here:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&filter=upcoming&ID=2321 The message board link for that competition is here: ]
It looks like business is starting to pick up around here! That is all for now.
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