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:: Clan Plagueis CON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis CON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->8<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->14 January<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2007
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:: **From CON/SBL Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor** :: </td>
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Things have been going very well this past week. Tons of awards, a promotion, and Orzon has been making super progress on all of the projects that I handed off to him, at his request. It's been quiet, but still everything is going real well. Without further adu, let's get this report under way!
~ During this past week, Anshar was promotion to Dark Jedi Master. Super congrats go out to him for his awesome work as Headmaster. Orz and I worked with him personally on the History of the Sith Empire courses, and I speak for the two of us when I say that he is one cool dude. Also in DB News this past week, Clan Taldryan recently opened its third house, House Archanis. Some of you who were here for the merge probably remember that we use to have three houses, but House Bane was closed due to inactivity. We wish Duga and his new house the best, but also hope they fail in the upcoming RoS and GJW. Also, before anyone asks me because I know someone will, we will not be opening House Bane back up anytime soon. If everyone would start being more active competition wise, we may think about it, but right now that is not true.
~ Firefox stepped down as Justicar, we wish him the best. #krath was taken away from us as an official brotherhood channel, boo to Arania. The Medal Request form was redone, but this news is mainly for leaders. The Competitions page was redone, and I must say I love the new version. Sil was promoted to Epic, congrats to her. All of this are highlights of what happened in the DB world this past week. Of course, you could read the news page instead, which I hope all of you do.
~ Some big Master at Arms news in his latest report this week. First, the medal lines in your ID Lines have been updated to only show the last upgrade, so no more super long ID lines for some of you, especially those that game a lot. Also, a new medal is about to be released that will award masters for training members, Envoys, mentors, etc. It's a lot like the Scroll of Indoctrination, but will be taking over pretty much all of the SoI's duties except for recruiting members. Right now, the new Scroll has no name, but a poll is open for all to vote in. I myself voted for Scroll of Education.
~ I just wanted to point out that when members show themselves we like to publicily point them out. We want you all to go above and beyong, and usually we try to talk about you now and then. Of course, we can't talk about everyone, so for the most part I'll talk about some really special things that happen now and then. Well, yesterday (Saturday) was Shadow Academy Trivia, and I am proud to say that Clan Plagueis totally pawned it! Vlad and I both took first place with eight points, and Scorpius took third place with seven points. We showed our clan pride there and came out on top. Super job Scorps and Vlad, let's try and start doing this every week.
Also, from now on I'm going to be taking one or two members in each report and talk about them. They will be the Consul's Member of the Week. There's no award, but you should be happy that you are doing such a good job for me to talk about you. I think all of you are awesome members, but every report I'll take one or two that do something super special. This week, of course, was Scorpius and Vlad.
~ The Monthly Member Evaluation for December has finally come to a close, and I must say that tons of awards were given out. Devani was promoted to Sith Warrior, Dismal was awarded an Anteian Cross, and Vexer, Fam, Vlad, Sunflash, and Kura were all awarded Dark Crosses. Six awards and one promotion were given out for December. As always, the leaders do these things each month, so be super active and you can probably expect something coming your way soon. Also, there is one more award that Orzon and I are going to give out, but that one is a secret for the time being.
<font color="darkred">****</font>
~ Projects have been making great progress this past week. I am still working on the Plagueis Olympics House War that will hopefully run in February, and we're also working on the second draft of the Clan ACC Arena. Those two projects are really my biggest projects right now, but I will say that there are some Master/Student Program changes in the works, once we here from a few more people.
~ Orzon has also been doing an amazing job with his list of projects. You'll see more when I release my follow-up to my Projects and Plans Report, but to sum it up I can say that the Fleet and Crimson Tide Wiki articles are almost completely finished. Super job to you Mr. PCON!
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:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
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Competition participation is a very important thing. Not only does it count as participation towards promotions, but it also gives you a chance to earn crescents, which also count towards awards and promotions. Besides, most competitions are a lot of fun to participate in. For instance, right now I know that Orzon has one competition out, a fiction piece, and I have three out. Two of mine are fiction pieces, but the third is a graphic that you can have tons of fun with. I mean, who doesn't like to make fun of their Consul? Ky and Dismal and Quejo also have competitions out, as do the BTLs. I mean, the leaders give you all tons of chances to participate, now it's just up to you to take the time to actually do so. Of course, you may not like the competition, and we understand that. If this is true, though, then email the leaders and give us ideas for new competitions that would get your interest. I mean, Devani is the one that gave me the idea for my SuperConsul graphic competition.
You are awesome members, and I wouldn't trade you for anything, but our one weakness is competition participation. The leaders can only build the plane. In the end it falls on you the members to actually make it fly. With that, this Consul Report comes to an end, and I wish you all a wonderful week.
<font color="red">Clan Plagueis Consul Sith Battlelord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor</font>
<font color="red">"_"A leader is nothing without people to lead.
Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
Seeing isn't Believing; Believing is Seeing.
Ask me any question you want, it's the answer you should be worried about."_"
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>
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