Quaestor Address: 1/13/07
Children of the Sword,
After much evaluation, pressing from the Consul, and badgering from my Aedile, I have augmented my reporting form once again. My form is still up in the air, but it might come to look something like this months report. Ive cleared the empty liquor bottles, powder-less spice snuff boxes, doodles, and various business documents from my desk in order to sit down and write this report.
Monthly Focus
The month of January gives us sometime to prepare for the war is apparent in the near future. Tensions are high between Clans. We have some loose ends to tie up and some preparation to do for the impending feud. Until the threads of the feud have unwound, the primary focus of my actions with the House will be concluding the quest for the legendary Caliburnus. The run-on will conclude on this Saturday, January 20th, with my final post. The main players are Phoenix, Rasilvenaira, Neimand/Arania, and I. If you are not on this list, which seems most likely given my audience, do not feel pressured to post in the run-on. I am full aware it is difficult to weasel a way into the run-on and to maintain an interest in it. Time and execution pattern has rendered it in the hands of a select few. I accept full responsibility for the lack of organization, posting randomness, and convoluted plot. I apologize that the run-on was not better prepared for your enjoyment. Perhaps when the schedule allows for it, I will organize a new adventure, with House input.
In lieu of this news, the rest of the House can participate in the vast number of competitions available, detailed below. In the now waning days of the month, members are encouraged to discuss things, show off their work, and feel comfortable with the Brotherhoods Message Forum. The Forum is one of the greatest assets that the club has. The layout, functionality, and practical application make the forum a great resource to have. I encourage you all to start a thread, post in a thread, and become familiar with the Message Forum. You can find it here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/
Get out and Explore!
In the News
As my inbox fills with notices of award and other activity, I am seeing a dramatic increase in overall activity from all ranks and classes. I am proud of you all Keep up the excellent work. I am seeing the same group of people over and over again. If your inbox isnt filling with medals, find me! Ill help you on the right path!
House Caliburnus has been receiving new recruits by the boatload. I would like to cordially welcome APP Kract of House Caliburnus, APP Sakura of House Caliburnus, APP Endriago of House Caliburnus, APP Mezzrow of House Caliburnus, and NOV Shadowbringer. In addition, OP Daniel Stevens and SBM Sykes Rokir Jade have joined our ranks!
Welcome to all!
Zeron was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations on your promotion Zeron! Keep it up and youll be tumbling with the Equites in no time!
In boring and related news: someone in some office somewhere made a terrible error and promoted me to Sith Battlemaster! Its terrible! Call in the troops!
CSP Chopper!
Pinball Wizard!
Every Saturday in #Scholae Its Jeopardy, with Lucien Trebeck!
Legions of Scholae NPCs
Now that you have seen them I think you know what to do
Exclusive: Behind the Scenes
Gang Here is a super top secret inside look at what I planning for you all. As the run-on wraps up and the clan moves into a feud, I will be working away with my top secret agents to bring a working and operational archive for the House. The archive will be full of your merit works, House achievements, House Artifacts, sacred scrolls, and anything else we have to display. The House website will play home to this archive.
Above the archive, the Clan will be proceeding with a detailing of the planetary system we call home. As this happens, the House will follow suit, filling in the details about our home. This will include maps of the Compound that we inhabit, the surrounding areas, and notable features around Ptolomea.
Keep an eye out for my Clan Menagerie Project. The next step will surprise you, comfort you, and possibly keep you warm in the cold of night. I cant promise you anything, but House Caliburnus may soon come to acquire a new mascot I want to call him Stompy No more hints Keep watching, Keep Gaming, Keep Writing!
Finally and most importantly, my boring life is meant to serve you. I know I have the tendency to be scary (overwhelming laughter, starting now ), but please, if you would like to see anything around the House, feel free to tell me. I will do my best to work with you on achieving the greatest outcome. As Ghandi said Be the change you want to see in your House. So, that is augmented a bit But the message remains the same. Remember friends, my Mission Statement is Have fun. Get out, Get up, Get something!
SBM Thran Occasus (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:3]
GC / SC-SoF / AC-ToSH / DC-BP / GN / Cr-2A-4S-5E-2T-2Q / CF-GF / SI / SoL / LS-AgL / S:-5Al-3D
{SA: KS: ToL - AS - AIM - IRC - IRO - GL - LA - ACC - CM - PS - D: KCORE - FA - MED - KP - GS - O: SCORE - ST - ISET - ESET - K: OCORE - TS - LS}
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