Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

This is a historical post. I realized some of the emails I sent my BT should be counted as reports even if they are not full fledged reports.


I do not at this time have a battle team report though such is overdue by

weeks. All my energies are going into the Fiction Tribunes Epic competition

which will go far toward attaining Knighthood. I did however want to address

our recent addition, Orv Dessrx. A young, active Dark Jedi who is apparently

an image tweak a code monkey and liked by Selene, our former QUA. So welcome

him and be nice :P

The other thing I wanted to make you guys aware of was the upcoming house

feud, right of supremacy and the next Great Jedi War, important events

happening one right after the other. There will be much honor and glory to

be had and we should all take full advantage in the opportunity. Furthermore

our personal standings will affect the clan and its standings in the

upcoming fleet reset. Your actions define the future strength of your clan.

Because of these events I need an accurate count of those who are active or

will be active. So I am asking you to reply to this. If you were inactive

this is the time to become active, for yourself, for your clan. I would very

much like everyone to respond. If all members of this battle team were

active we would be a force to be reckoned with.

Unfortunately aside from my two Krath Priests, Valnor and Orv who I know are

active anyone who doesn't respond will likely be taken off my roster. Some

of you I know from other games, two of you I have known for years and this

potential action is not personal and if you do get removed there is no hard

feelings. Upon becoming active I will readily accept you back.

Yours in darkness


~ (#8075) JH Etah (Obelisk)/TET/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: IND] [KSOE: AENV]

[ACC: CL:1]

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