Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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And welcome to another Aedile Dismal report. Yes, yes I know, you want to run in fear :-P. Lots of news, and lots of activity. Now, let the reporting…BEGIN!

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Novice Mayda Ferium - Crescent w/ Amethyst Star - Congrats!

Acolyte Bre-Ma Sedul - Legion of the Scholar - Congrats!

Protector Vladet Xavier - Crescent w/ Emerald Star - Cluster of Fire x13 - Congrats!

Guardian Laigerick Sisterhood - Cluster of Fire x19 - Crescent w/ Amethyst Star - Congrats!

Guardian Tyren “Ryujin” Zin - Cluster of Fire - Congrats!

Jedi Hunter Niman Master - Cluster of Fire - Crescent w/ Topaz Star - Congrats!

Dark Jedi Knight Dismal Visutor al’Tor - Crescent w/ Emerald Star - Congrats!

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Novice Mayda Ferium - IRC Basics - MSN Messenger - AOL Instant Messenger - Krath Grammar Studies - Congrats!

Apprentice Thessims - Test of Lore

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Thessims - Apprentice

Mayda Ferium - Novice

Dismal Visutor al’Tor - Dark Jedi Knight - :-] - Wee!

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~ A new promotion system is being worked out. Be on the look-out for it on the Plagueis site.

~ Our ProConsul Orzon needs help with some projects. Contact him if you want to help.

~ Exar Kun’s Battleteam may have a change in joining requirements soon. We’ll release it when we come to a decision.

~Join up with House Exar Kun’s battle team, Exar’s Shadow. The Pre-Reqs can be found in the BT Handbook on the HEK or CP site. Link: . With only four members, ES needs some members. Show your dedication to your house! Join up!

~Words of the Week: Activity and Communicate. I’ve seen some really great activity lately, and I would like to thank you all. Keep it up! With your help, we Exar Kun can rise up to be the dominant house in Clan Plagueis once more! :-) Also communicate. Know your housemates :-)

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As with all leaders in Clan Plagueis, I maintain an open door policy. If you have any questions or concerns, catch me on IRC (Dismal), E-Mail ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), or AIM (Birdman6110). Or any other leaders. That’s what we’re here for.

And that concludes Volume 3 of the Dismal Reports!

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