Yes, it is another report from your "Oh so loveable" BTL, Laigerick. Muhahahaha! LET THE FRIGHT BE SPREAD!!!!
Laigerick Sithelhood: Awarded 19 Clusters of Fire.
Niman Master: Awarded 1 Cluster of Fire, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, and 1 Crescent with Topaz Star.
Vladet Xavier: Awarded 13 Clusters of Fire, and 1 Crescent with Emerald Star.
Great work to all of you that recieved a medal(s)! Keep up the activity folks! :-)
Scorpius: Dark Maven Passed.
(Well, this isn't really a promotion, but it is a Shadow Academy Honorary Title given to those who have deticated a great amount of service to it. Gratzi Scorps!!! :-D)
Now to the Projects, w00t! Ok guys, right now, we don't have very many projects running. Dismal's two comps are still running, so let's show our ES spirit and compete in them! To the RO. Right now, all of our time is mainly deticated to this. It is unfolding very well, but we have yet to get to space, and it ends very soon, so come on guys! Get in there and post in our Uber Pwning RO!! After Dis' comps are over, I will be running several (probably 2-3) comps for the month of February. Each of these will deal with the major professions in the DB (Writing, Gaming, and Graphics). Get ready to rumble with these new comps! Muha!
In - None
Ok guys, as you all know, we are in desperate need of members. The House Summit and I have done everything we can to recruit new members, but still, none come to sign up. If you are willing to help your BT out (which I hope you are), please, PLEASE, go out and tell the newer journeymen and other none ES Kunians how great our BT is, and the pros of joining. Also, expect a change in the requirements for joining our BT comming into effect very soon. Hopefully, this will bring more members to us, also.
Laigerick Sithelhood - Laig
Niman Master - Nim
Vladet Xavier - Vlad
Scorpius - Scorps
Use these nicknames in all of the communication you do, and no one gets hurt! *Laig grips his 'Nex Addo' tightly...
Like all of the other Summit Members of HEK, I maintain an open door policy. If you have any questions for concerns, email me at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or try to catch me on IRC (Laigerick) and/or AIM (Spartonsoldier11). With that all said and done, this is CMDR Laigerick Sithelhood signing out once again...
GRD Laigerick Sithelhood (Sith)/CMDR/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: INI]
Cr-2A-2S-2E-1T / CF-RF / LS
{SA: KS: ToL - AS - AIM - IRC - GL - LA - ACC - CM - TW - FA - HS1 - PRH - O: SCORE - ISET - AST - TS - MRK}
~Vidame of Blackstone~
~Sistros Director of Corporate Strategy~
~Sith Commander of Battle Team Exar's Shadow~
~Apprentice to Valerian di Plagia Orzon~
~Callsign-"Laigy Laig Pants"~
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