Greetings House Tridens!
I hope everyones weekend is off to a great start, a lot of ground to cover, so Ill jump right into it.
Lots of things going on in the DB, we have a new Justicar, Sith Bloodfyr I mean Kir Taldrya Katarn is our new head of the CoJ. Kir is a former DGM and, talking to him, he sounds like a cool guy. Some changes to the Covenant. They can be seen on the news page. The position of Knight Adjutant of the a Brotherhood is open for applications until Feb. 9th. If interested email Siyavash Kaida and Anshar. We also have an inter-clan feud this weekend starting Sunday.Also Tridens has started a new Circle, Circle 2 is being led by DJK Melkor Corsair!
Now on to the cheesecake. Lots of awards, a few promotions and some new active members, and some SA activity. Now for the numbers Kansonu Dega, rugmonkey, Kaox Darzu, Tyber Shen-Jon, and R'deth Bay have joined House Tridens, make sure to say hello when you see them!
Celahir passed HTML Basics.
Kansonu Dega passed Astronomy, Sith Core AOL IM, Pre-Republic History and Sith Empire 1. Great job Dega!
Dock Alfar passed Capital Starship Studies.
Korras was awarded Dark Maven! Go Korras!
Melkor and Sephiroth passed the Advanced ToW.
Sergeant passed Astronomy!
Great job everyone, but this month, I want my gmail mailbox to explode with SA courses!
Shineys! Lots of shineys!
Korras earned a total of 3 CFs, a Grand Cross, 2 Crescents w/ Emerald Star, and a Crescent w/ Sapphire Star!
Melkor earned an Anteian Cross, a Crescent w/ Sapphire Star and a Crescent w/ Topaz Star!
Odin earned 33 CFs, an LS, an AC, an Crescent w/ Emerald Star, two Crescents w/ Sapphire Star, and two Crescents w/ Topaz Star! Great job!
Sephiroth earned 90 CFs, a Steel Cross, a Crescent w/ Sapphire Star, a Crescent w/ Topaz Star!
Celahir earned a Dark Cross, and a Crescent w/ Topaz Star!
Dock Alfar earned two CFs!
Troutrooper earned an LS and a Crescent w/ Sapphire Star!
Merlance earned 108 CFs, a Steel Cross, two Crescents w/ Emerald Star, a Crescent w/ Ruby Star! Wow!
Sergeant earned a Crescent w/ Topaz Star!
Archean Bruth'Kothae earned two CFs!
Karel Bruth`Kothae earned 24 CFs, a Steel Cross, three Crescents w/ Topaz Star, and a Crescent w/ Quartz Star!
Welshman earned 6 CFs!
Kansonu Dega was promoted to Novice and Acolyte!
Sergeant was promoted to Protector!
Tyber Shen-Jon was promoted to Acolyte!
Well, thats all Ive got. See you on the 15th, and on IRC!
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