Greetings members of Exar's Shadow. This past week has been a big one for our battleteam, so lets get down to it.
In- Mayda Ferium & Galaphile al'Tor
Out- none
Welcome to the two newest members of our elite Battleteam. Drinks are on me for the next 12 hours!!!
Niman Master: 3 Clusters of Fire
Vladet Xavier: 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, and 1 Crescent with Quartz Star
Mayda Ferium: 1 Crescent with Topaz Star, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, and 1 Leigon of the Scholar.
Congrats to all of you who won your medals. I am glad to see the boost of activity withen our Battleteam. Keep it up, Kunians!
Mayda Ferium: Acolyte
Gratzi Mayda, keep up the good work, and keep striving to PRT!
Okay, this week (as I already stated) has been a big one. The SA Run-On competitions were closed, even though most of them didn't finish. Sadly, our RO was one of the ones not to finish. Try harder next time guys! Also, Dis' two comps, [ES] Injury and [ES] Fictional Jobs, have closed. The winners were announced by our Aedile, and crescents are on the way. With the closing of all of our BT comps, I have started a new one. It is "An Appiritional Adventure" (see comp page for details). It is easy, and is running on two platforms, which are fiction and poetry. I expect great submissions from all of you. Another quick reminder. Expect a change in the BT joining requirements comming into effect as soon as the HEK, CP Summit, and myself, come to a conclusion.
Laigerick Sithelhood - Laig
Niman Master - Nim
Vladet Xavier - Vlad
Scorpius - Scorps
Galaphile al'Tor - Gala
Mayda Ferium - May
These are our Nicknames for communication purposes. I strongly reccomend you all use them in all of your communcational purposes.
Well this concludes my report for this week. As always, I maintain an open door policy. If you have any questions or concerns, catch me on IRC (Laigerick), AIM (Spartonsoldier11), or email me at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). CMDR Laig, signing out!
GRD Laigerick Sithelhood (Sith)/CMDR/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: INI]
Cr-2A-2S-2E-1T / CF-GF / LS-BL
{SA: KS: ToL - AS - AIM - IRC - GL - LA - ACC - CM - TW - FA - HS1 - PRH - O: SCORE - ISET - AST - TS - MRK}
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