House Oriens Obscurum Aedile Report #2
2 February 2007
The enraged howl of the Dark Tusken Raider shattered the eerie silent that had fallen over the battlefield. All watched as the fierce duel between Scholae Palatinaes Consul and Arconas only Warrior had ended.
Ashura Isradia and Braecen Kunar had both battled hard to win this battle, two old friends locked in combat, but only one would emerged the victory. Braecens white blade of energy burned against Ashuras right side, but it had been the Siths crimson blade that had found itself being driven through Braecens heart.
The Epis had not taken in the savageness and hate that the Arconan Warrior possessed, not to mention the single minded philosophy that Ashura had lived his life by, ever since growing up in the harsh wasteland of the Dune Sea on Tatooine.
The Tusken pulled his lightsaber back, freeing the crackling blade of energy from his opponent, and watched as the Kraths body dropped to the floor. It was mere moment later that Braecen Kunar had returned to the Force, from which he first came from.
The Warrior raised his saber high above him and let out load roar that echoed across the field of battle. The cheers of his Clansmen joined in, as the day belonged to them. But the feud between both great clans was far from over.
Dark Greetings Oriens Obscurum,
The Feud is well into its first week now, and our Arconan fighting spirit is holding stead fast. Many of us gamers have been fighting hard on platforms like Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, and Battlefront 2.
For those writers among us, there is still time to get Event 4 done. Thats the short fiction which ends Sunday. From what I understand it needs to be only three pages long.
I expect everyone to be active and kicking arse, be it gaming or writing. Just remember what this ol Tusken believes (fictionally of course), that only the fittest, tested by hardship, would, and should, survive.
Oh, here is the feud website for those who would like to see whats happening and what events are going on -
Anyway enough about the feud for now, this report covers what has happened over the past two weeks (19th January to the 2nd February).
House News
Yadar Shyk changed order from Sith to Obelisk
Yadar Shyk is promoted from Apprentice to Novice
JH JScumm: Cluster of Fire (CF) x 29, Legion of the Scholar (LS)
GRD Dorn: Cluster of Fire (CF) x 5
PRT Fionn: Cluster of Fire (CF) x 58
NOV Yadar Shyk: Cluster of Fire (CF) x 7
SA Exams
Jaxion passed Conflict Mediation; Grammar Studies
Niall Terrik passed Obelisk Core
Yadar Shyk passed Sith Core; History of the Sith Empire I; History of the Sith Empire II; IRC Basics
No concluded battles at the moment, but that will change soon, as we have some of our House members doing ACC feuding
New Members
APP Yadar Shyk
APP kender
APP Quator
APP Niall Terrik
Departing Members
The Arcona Competitions Listing
Most Recent Competitions
Title: [OriensObscurum] February Headliners
Requested By: OT Drodik Va'lence al'Tor
Specifics: Here it is again, every month.
You are a reporter journalist or just yourself, write an article about recent events in House Oriens Obscurum. This can range from medals, promotions, the recent Feud perhaps. Anything that you feel motivated enough to write. Write it in a news styled fashion and that'll be that.
Start Date: 2/2/2007
End Date: 2/28/2007
Unit in Competition: House Oriens Obscurum
Platforms: Writing platforms of any kind
Awards: 4th Level Crescents
Comments: Have fun!
Title: [OriensObscurum] February CapAction
Requested By: OT Drodik Va'lence al'Tor
Specifics: Another month of Captions is here. You know the rules, but for those of you who aren't exactly sure or are new to this whole captioning, let me go over the Rules:
Your job is to submit to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) a caption to the picture. If you submit your answer on the forum page you will be disqualified from that weeks picture and the following weeks picture. So keep it funny, I love to laugh.
CapAction Forum board here:
Start Date: 2/2/2007
End Date: 2/28/2007
Unit in Competition: House Oriens Obscurum
Platforms: Message boards and email
Awards: 5th level Crescents as usual
Comments: send ALL submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Finished Competitions
[HOO] Trivia Winner: JH JScumm
Climbing up to 45 Members...
155 Epis Alex d'Tana
25 Archpriest Timeros Caesus Entar
3247 Archpriest Vithril Isradia Kunar
4793 Templar Drodik Va'lence al'Tor
4782 Warrior Ashura "Megos" Isradia
4195 Dark Jedi Knight Callus Bo'Amar
4297 Dark Jedi Knight Desdemonea
5760 Jedi Hunter Bran Redmow
7764 Jedi Hunter JScumm
4817 Guardian Keno
4888 Guardian Jet Kasto
5648 Guardian Dorn Ty'Rodius Ravr
6702 Guardian Neophyte
5339 Protector Korenaga No Maragor
6404 Protector Rich Gun
6643 Protector Aidyn Wolfwood
7640 Protector Sight Nortorshin
8038 Protector Jaxion
8145 Protector Fionn dan Locut'Hal
5201 Acolyte Jair
7135 Acolyte Krakkenthrrar
7430 Acolyte Qu-Le Brog
8098 Acolyte Vladimir Vosmus
8193 Acolyte Zeke
8175 Novice Nefarious
8197 Novice silus
8230 Novice tsu kratos
8259 Novice moreke
8274 Novice ZylexBo'amar
8441 Novice Yadar Shyk
8156 Apprentice Kama Adri'tya
8212 Apprentice darrien
8226 Apprentice Zolnierz Romek
8243 Apprentice Loyde
8304 Apprentice tormak
8318 Apprentice Melkior
8334 Apprentice lixarn
8346 Apprentice Reapsta
8349 Apprentice itz Attaks
8366 Apprentice Rhoden
8412 Apprentice Naius
8425 Apprentice Dragula
8458 Apprentice kender
8468 Apprentice Quator
8474 Apprentice Niall Terrik
So who is going to be my highlighted member this time? Why, its Yadar Shyk, for passing those SA exams, earning those shinnies, and getting that promotion. Now thats how a new member to our House should act!
Thats all I have for you this week. I hope you have enjoyed the report I do aim to please. And remember. Feel free to e-mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you have any questions or queries at all.
In Darkness,
Warrior Ashura Isradia
Aedile of Oriens Obscurum
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