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:: Clan Plagueis CON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis CON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->10<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->9 February<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2007
<td style="background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;" align="center">
:: **From CON/SBL Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor** :: </td>
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Clan Plagueis Project and Plans Report
Version 1.48
By Consul Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor
I. Clan Fleet - For the time being, the fleet has been completely finished. After the Great Jedi War, some things are going to chance. I can't go into specifics, but there will be change. Until then, however, all of the histories for all of our ships, as well as their specifics, have been placed on the Wiki pages. The link in the clan website goes to the Wiki pages. I'm looking into possible adding two more subcategories to separate the ships into what house, but I have yet to talk to Orzon about this. This project is finish. All there is now is whatever other little things we decide to tweak. Thanks go out to Salth for getting the technical information, Vess for the histories, and Orzon for putting it up on the Wiki. Project Status: FINISHED
II. Clan History - Just like the fleet, the history has been finished. The first section, Clans Namesake, as been completed by Orzon and for the most part there isn't anything left to do. We might look into shortening it; it is getting a little long, but for the time being it is finished. Thanks go out to Orzon for putting it together and those who participated in my Master Who competition, since your submissions were combined to make the section. Project Status: FINISHED
III. Clan System - Orzon also took main charge of this project, he did that for pretty much all of the projects. For the system, mainly all he did was add pictures. There are now graphics of the moons on all pages, and I believe he is currently working on getting some more graphics of continents and buildings, if I'm not mistaken. This project is pretty much finished, since all we're doing now is adding some extra pictures to spice things up a bit. Thanks go out to Tyren for the moon graphics. Project Status: FINISHED
IV. Clan Possessions - This is actually one of the projects that aren't finished. Since it will take a bit longer, only because there is more to do, it was lower of the list. Now that some of the others have been completed, though, Orzon has started to work on it. From what he tells me, Salth is working on making graphics for all of the objects, and then after that I think we'll probably go in and make sure rules and descriptions are written for all of them. Project Status: ONGOING
V. Clan ACC Arena - This project is super close to being finished. Although you probably won't actually see it implemented for a while, I am about to sent the rough draft over to Dalthid for viewing. I'm sure he'll ask for some changes, though, and we will swiftly handle them. Still, we should be finished with this fairly soon. Not sure when the ACC will take this idea public, but I promise that you all will see our arena at least. Probably because I will post it here. Thanks go out to Quejo for being so patient. Project Status: ONGOING
VI. Clan Wiki Pages - This project is divided between two or three other projects, so there's no way it's finished yet. I will say that we are making super progress, though; I think we're making a lot more then other clans. Thanks go out to everybody that has helped with the Wiki, including you that just took the time to create your character Wiki page. Make sure you link anything related to the clan to the Clan Plagueis category, though, mainly so we can track it. Project Status: ONGOING
VII. Crimson Tide - This project, as far as I can tell, is also completely finished. All of the histories have been written/redone, and there are fantastic. The Crimson Tide article was also finished, with structure and history. In the future we might think about possibly adding some pictures, but for the time being what's there is perfect. Thanks go out to Scorpius for the Crimson Tide history, as well as everyone who helped Orzon with the people histories. Sorry I don't know your names. Project Status: FINISHED
VIII. Plagueis Chronicle - I'm not too sure about this project. Tolter is trying to make it work, but it just isn't. Members aren't submitting pieces to be included, although neither am I and the other leaders. I can't exactly blame you, though. I mean why would you want to write stuff when there's no way for you to be awarded. I'm not sure about this project. I would really like the chronicle to work, but it seems like it isn't going to. We'll see. Project Status: ONGOING
IX. Sistros A&H - This company will stay, seeing as how it is a part of Clan Plagueis' fictional standing in the Jusadih System. I really love the idea, as do many others. In the future, mainly after the Great Jedi War, I am going to be running competitions that are made solely for those who are on the Sistros rosters. That way you all will actually have something to do. The Sistros Wiki page is almost finished, though, that's also a part of this project. Really, we just have to get the history written. Project Status: ONGOING
X. Feudal System - Not sure about this one, although I love the idea of it. I will be running some competitions along with Sistros to try to make it worth something, but we never know. I do think we're going to end up making it a bit smaller. One so it isn't as much to deal with, and two just because smaller is easier. We'll see. Again, something we'll focus on after the Great Jedi War. Project Status: ONGOING
XI. Website Upkeep - We can't finish this project, but it is still a project. Recently Bubba placed the new promotional system on the website, and he also took down the points stuff, as well as the quizzes. This weekend I'll be running a routine check on all three of our websites just to make sure that everything is in fine working order. It shouldn't take long, though, since most of our pages link to the Wiki now. God help us if the Wiki ever crashes. We should probably look into making some back-up files :P Project Status: ONGOING
XII. Promotion System - This project actually referred to the points system, but since then has been changed back over to the old system, or a combination of the two. The new system gives the students almost complete control from the rank of APP-PRT. They are active, and we promote them when they are ready. There are no strict tasks for them to use, just guidelines. After PRT, they chose a master and the master has complete control. The master tells us when the student is ready, although the clan summit will always have the final say in the matter. Right now, I would say that this project is finished, seeing as how it looks like everything has once again settled down. Project Status: FINISHED
XIII. Plagueis Olympics '07 - This project has been put on hold until after the Great Jedi War, but I promise that our two peaceful houses will have a chance to fight each other. We'll probably run this before the clan epic. Project Status: ONGOING
XIV. Clan Powers - This project will most likely not go through. Mainly for the reason that Orzon and I feel as if clan powers are all but useless. You can't use them in the ACC, despite being hosted on the ACC website, and while we could use them in competitions and fiction pieces, it's just one more thing to have to hassle around with and blah blah blah. Overall, it seemed like a waste of time to use. As such, we've decided to drop this project and move on to other ones. Project Status: FINISHED
XV. Wiki Article Links - Not sure what the progress on this one is, but looking at some articles here and there it seems to be going well, if not finished. I'm going to go through and double check, but this project is probably almost finished. One thing I am going to change is so many red links, most of those I am just going to take out. One because that's tons more pages that aren't our problem, and two because red doesn't look well on Wiki pages. Thanks go out to Josalyn for her work with this. Project Status: ONGOING
XVI. Clan Awards - This is a new project, and will probably not be worked on until after the Great Jedi War. Basically, however, you can look at some of the other clans and see how they have clan awards. We would like to implement this in Clan Plagueis. We might look into combining it with the clan possessions or something, I'm not sure. Until we start working on this, however, we won't know. I'm just putting the idea out there. Project Status: ONGOING
XVII. Clan Epic - Also like the Olympics, it will run after the Great Jedi War, probably closer to October. As such, there really isn't all that much to tell you right now, except it involves the Crimson Tide. Project Status: ONGOING
Seventeen total projects. Six of which have been completed, with eleven still being worked on or yet to be started. Really, that is great, seeing as how in that six are some of the large ones. Again, special thanks go out to Orzon and everyone else who has helped with these projects, but were not done yet. Were doing great. Things will slow down when the RoS and GJW arrives, but that just means were going out there to show that we really are a threat to be reckoned with!
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:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
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One of the easiest ways to be promoted is to work on tons and tons of projects. Some of you are always talking about how you do not have anything to do, despite all the competitions we throw at you. Today is your lucky day, though, because Orzon just happens to have a load of projects he is working on, and while he has tons of help already I am sure he would love to have you working with him as well. Moreover, awards are almost guaranteed. As such, I will say what I have said before, and that is being active. Activity, mainly competition, is our worst area. Let's fix that. The leaders can only do so much, in the end it is up to you all, the wonderful members that I am proud to lead.
<font color="red">Clan Plagueis Consul Sith Battlelord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor</font>
<font color="red">"_"A leader is nothing without people to lead.
Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
Seeing isn't Believing; Believing is Seeing.
Ask me any question you want, it's the answer you should be worried about."_"
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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