Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

This is a historical post. I realized some of the emails I sent my BT should be counted as reports even if they are not full fledged reports.

To: The QD Phyle

CC: Summit members and members that should be summit members

From: JH "Awsome" Etah

Hello my pretties ( I feel pretty, oh so pretty…. :P )

I just redid the mailing list because it was out of date. Also we just

received a new member, a Dark Jedi Knight with a "tad bit" of experience,

Xander Drax known best as just Slagar on IRC. I formally welcome into our

highly violent and dysfunctional family.

Secondly, congrats to Orv on his shiny shiny Diamond Crescent. Way to rock

the DB brother. When you're on the DC promise to get me some insignificant

job! >.<

Thirdly, as I understand it, Arcona has a very slim lead in most of the feud

events. Aside from the runon, which you would have needed to already sign up

for, there is the long fiction and the caption contest still open. The

Caption contest is fun and easy but we really need entries for the long


Here in the Qel-Droma phyle we don't seem to game, but we have crazy coding,

mad GFX and amazing fiction skills (myself only the latter), which is only

proper given our Krath roots. Given that fact, we need to blow away the long

fiction comp. Lets do itttttt! >.<

Once again you guys are doing awesome and it's a fun time to be the Tetrarch

of the Qel-Droma phyle. Keep making me look good!

Lastly and probably the reason for this message; here is the link to my

latest report that many of you did not get before on account of the mailing

list being out of date:

PS: Remember to email me (cc or bcc) everything your doing or in the case

of trivia and the like, an email telling me what your doing so I can track

your progress and activity.


Yours in darkness,

~ (#8075) JH Etah Araya (Obelisk)/TET/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: IND] [KSOE:


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