Satal Victus Report
Battleteam Satal Victus
Report for 09/02/2007 to 15/02/2007
A new week brings with it a new QUA. Give a warm welcome to Sunflash, and a fond farewell to Quejo. Also our new house envoy is SBM Starrett, welcomes to him as well :)
Also, check out the sexy new ** Covenant website **. Kudos to Orv Dessrx, Ricco Vao, and Dalthid for the design.
A bunch of stuff this week, starting with PRT Nariah who earned herself a Cluster of Fire for participating in the Bryar Bowl. Nice work mate :)
Kal got himself a C/Sapphire for second place in Orz's Crazy comp (week 1). Great job mate!
And I'm buying the drinks this week cos i got myself a C/Amethyst and a C/Sapphire for Orz's the Good and Bad comp :)
Participate in as many comps as possible. Once this report is written i'm off to write something for Orz's mid-week scramble :P
Also, I have a new comp running for us. go to _ here _ for the specs. Due to me being overworked in my RL job i just realised i forgot to send out an email about this, so i'll be accepting entries until the 20th. have fun :)
Our team ** wiki page **
Our team ** message board **
The ** competitions page **
Abs sent out an email this week, providing a rough outline of what the RoS will be composed of. so hurry and get those comp entires in so you can get promoted before it starts and have better abilities for use in fiction :P
This weeks cool quote and amusing item come from the wisdom of Foamy the Squirrel with his ** rules for the masses ** . boob of death!
Activity continues this week which makes this little commanders heart feel all fuzzy and warm :) Keep up the good work guys, you're doing great!
JH Vexer Thrace
CMDR 'Vex' - First Grand Pilot of Victus
Satal Keto of Plagueis
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