_A slight breeze stirred the calm afternoon air as Rasilvenaira stood, perched on the outer wall that surrounded the Caliburnus compound. The Aedile was making her rounds, as was her habit these days, checking the security of the House. After the recent conflict with Arcona, she wanted to make certain that nothing would slip past Caliburnus defenses.
Her thoughts drifted, reflecting on many things, as she watched a group of journeymen sparring in the training yard. Caliburnus history had always been punctuated by war, but through each conflict, the House grew stronger. As the members fought to defend their House and Clan, their loyalties and ties to each other were strengthened.
Despite the difficulties of war, Caliburnus and Scholae Palatinae had seen a fair amount of growth, and this offered hints of many great things to come. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Rasilvenaira refocused her attention on the young members. Noticing a young Protector standing off to one side, without a partner to spar with, the Warrior smiled.
Making her way down from the wall, she crossed over to the training yard. The journeymen paused at her approach, each bowing in respect to the Aedile. Dont let me interrupt your training; I just came down for a bit of relaxation. She nodded to the Protector, Come on, you can practice with me. _
Greetings all,
Theres been a lot of activity lately, and thats always good news. We have a lot of cool new things going on and lots more on the way, so keep an eye out for them.
House News:
The House website has been updated, including the archived version of the Quest for Caliburnus.
Also, the House has a new program underway, check out the Order of the Serpent, and congratulate the first three members, Cethgus, Malaki, and Niemand.
Ongoing Projects:
This is a little section that Ill be using to let you guys know what Im working on.
House Website redesign. Yeah, thats right; the whole Caliburnus website will be redone, hopefully to be even better than it is now.
House related wiki pages. Im currently working on trying to make sure the wiki pages we need for house related topics are created, edited and maintained.
Caliburnus layout and plans. Im working with Thran to come up with drawings of the House headquarters and surroundings. Hopefully when this is finished you will all be able to have a better idea of where it is that you live. ^_^
Super special top secret project. Mhmm, cant tell you about this one, but anyways, Im working on it too.
No one got promoted recently, though I expect to see this change soon. Seriously, if you have questions on what you need to earn a promotion, come talk to me, ask me, Thran, Selene, Zeron, any of us. We are here to help you succeed, so just ask.
DJK Zeron awarded Dark Cross, Legion of the Scholar, Cluster of Fire x8
DJK Tyno awarded Crescent with Diamond Star, Pendant of Blood, Legion of the Scholar, Cluster of Fire x47
APP Sakura awarded Cluster of Fire x2
PRT Dirus awarded Cluster of Fire x17
JH Malaki awarded Cluster of Fire x5
GRD Ohika Ilob Mandalore awarded Crescent with Quartz Star
SW Xen'Mordin Vismorsus awarded Dark Cross
DJM Niemand "Duda" Machweg awarded Dark Cross
DJK Cethgus awarded Cluster of Fire x6
PRT Yadar Shyk awarded Scroll of Indoctrination, Cluster of Fire x2
OP Lucius d'Tana awarded Cluster of Fire x3, Pendant of Blood
SW Rasilvenaira StormRaven awarded Grand Cross of the Dark Side, Crescent with Emerald Star, Cluster of Fire x28
Shadow Academy:
The Shadow Academy is an important source of additional training within the Brotherhood; make sure you check it out: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/
ACO Michalto Retorva Training Saber Basics, IRC Basics, History of the Sith Empire I
PRT Qushai - Pre-Republic History
SBM Thran Occasus Astronomy
NOV Cruciatus - Marksmanship
NOV Lithas Pota - History of the Sith Empire III, Pre-Republic History
OT Jaysun Adumarii - Marksmanship
JH Tiberius Wolf Mandalore - History of the Sith Empire I
New Members:
House Caliburnus extends a warm welcome to our newest members, please be sure to say hello to them if you see them around:
APP skila
APP Zholl Varik
House Caliburnus also welcomes the following members who have transferred to us, make sure you welcome them when you see them:
KP Selene dTana <- Huge congrats on also becoming our new KCE!
OT Lucius dTana <- None other than the awesome Gaming Tribune.
PRT Yadar Shyk
PRT Fionn dan Locut'Hal
PRT Qushai
Closing Thoughts:
Alright, we just finished up the feud with Arcona, and while were still waiting for the final results of that, we need to start looking ahead. Coming up in March is the Rite of Supremacy, this is a major DB wide competition that will be a fantastic chance for each and every one of you to gain lots of awards and possible promotions, as well as keeping your name on the top list of active and valuable members of Caliburnus. Soon after the RoS, we have a Great Jedi War coming as well, but one step at a time. I hope that once the RoS starts all of you will go out and show off how absolutely awesome House Caliburnus is by doing what you can to push our Clan up to the top. We have a great Clan; this will be a perfect opportunity to prove that to the rest of the Brotherhood.
Don't part with your dreams. When they are gone you may still exist, but you will have ceased to live. ~ Mark Twain
~SW Rasilvenaira StormRaven
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