Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report


Ok not a lot to report on which is disappointing there are two big comps coming up and activity is low and so are our spirits. Well I hope to rectify this because we have a reputation to hold up so all you under DJK’s get going start being active whether it is trials or just competitions get yourselves pumped up.

One big change is that our AED Baron Zarco has stepped down this is a blow to the House and our morals but opens up new positions for those of you who want to go further in the DB.


Daar Kareth has done us proud in the ORW winning over 30 CF’s already he has also completed his trials and been promoted to GRD. You should take example from this as he will go far.

Baron Zarco has been awarded a Dark side scroll and placed in both Man those Battle Stations! Comps.

Al’Meda Zarco also placed in the Man those Battle stations comp.

Fire-Knight has placed second in the Team version of the SA Run-on and played in the Bryar Bowl.

Rannik has been doing some Tuesday/Thursday night gaming.

Blaidd Drwg has been promoted to Novice.


Only one in and that is APP Raiden welcome to house Archanis. And none out.


Taldryan: History in Motion – This is a great writing comp for those who want to be part of Tal’s history

Firmament & Growth – A good graphics comp for those interested

Tal: Dominance through Blood

Tal Trivia!


I hope to see more activity for our new members if you have any problems or questions just ask I am here to help. If you need to look at the trials or more competitions here are the links,

and remember to have fun that’s what it is all about,

DJK Ricco Vao (Krath)/RM-EP-DV/Archanis of Taldryan [KSOE: ENV] [ACC: INI]

SC / AC-ToSH / DC / SN / Cr-3R-3A-3S-4E-1T-10Q / DSS-AgL / SI / LS / S:-13D

{SA: MVN - KS: ToL - AS - AIM - ICQ - GL - LA - LF - LP - HTML1 - ACC - CM - PS - SC - D: KCORE - TW - ATW - FA - FP - HS1 - HSII - HSIII - PRH - MED - KP - AP - RO - GS - O: SCORE - ST - ISET - ESET - CSS - AST - K: OCORE - TS - LS - MRK}

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