For the information of any ACC fighters involved in the Arcona vs CSK Feud (as agreed with CM Xizor):
The results of the ACC parts have been compiled into a list and thus, battles can now be reopened. Any restarted battles will be moved to the fighting hall and the intermediate judge verdict removed from the heading.
However, to prevent all the AWOL-ridden fights from clogging up the Fighting hall, we will restore ONLY fights that are requested to be restored. Ideally, the restore request should be made by the fighter whose turn it is, but we'll accept it even if the other fighter submits the request.
Any battle not continued within two weeks (aka until September 30), will be scored as it stands and the winner entered into the ACC. Continued battles will be entered by their final result after deathposts only, the intermediate result has no bearing on the final outcome.
Send continuation requests to Xizor, Arcturus, JaM3z or myself (or any other judge/trainer).
Good luck in continuing your battles!
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