Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Been a while since I wrote one of these. I haven't forgotten, I just wanted to save the report.

"Oh come on!" You must be saying to yourself. A cry I am very familiar with. Why? John McEnroe. One of the greatest tennis players of all time threw his greatest, most celebrated, most lauded and most despised tantrums by opening with that line. I'm guilty of ripping it off. I had a amateur ranked match this morning in doubles. Went pretty well, played two guys that are 8s. They called a passing backhand cross court out, and I instantly disputed it. It's my best shot. I never miss that shot. I saw it land before the line, but they called it "out" to save the set point. At that point, I threw my Johnny Mac impression - "Oh come on! You cannot be serious!" Walked over to the area it bounced in. Started arguing with them about the call. Coach came over, had us do the point over. Picked up the set with that point, when my doubles partner hit a down the line, backhand slice that slipped below the returner's racquet. I think the bad call on our opponent's side spurned us to perform even better. To make sure there was no room for error. We tightened up our game immensely in the 2nd set. The 1st set we had 17 unforced errors between the two of us, vs the 20+ our opponents made. In the 2nd set we had 3 unforced errors (2 mine, 1 his) between the two of us. Anger may lead to hate, but it also leads to slapping the taste out of some people's mouths with a 6-4, 6-1 victory. :-P<p>

And on the subject of victories, the Clan Wargames are over. Final scores all tallied up, Gladius scored 515 points to Tridens' 1411. Tridens wins, but Gladius put up a fight. Gladius averaged 128.75 points per participant. Tridens came off with 108.54 points per participant. In conclusion of the Wargames, I would like to thank everyone who participated. I know there weren't enough events for everyone to participate in, and for that I apologize. In some ways, I wanted to branch out in different directions with organizational styles. What follows are the top 3 placings for each event.<p>

XvT Elite - 1st Place Merlance, 2nd Place Welshman, 3rd Place Odin. All representing Tridens.

XWA Elite - 1st Place Merlance, 2nd Place Welshman. Both representing Tridens.

JA Elite - 1st Place Dox (Gladius), 2nd Place Archean (Tridens), 3rd Place Frosty (Gladius).

JO Elite - 1st Place Karel (Tridens) & Frosty (Gladius), 2nd Place Merlance (Tridens) & Dox (Gladius).

Wiki - 1st Place Saitou (Tridens), 2nd Place Troutrooper (Tridens), 3rd Place Windos (Gladius).

Battleplan - 1st Place Doni`Tzu, Melkor, Archean, Welshman & Sephiroth Storm (Tridens).

Graphics 1 - 1st Place Windos (Gladius).<p>

Crescents will be going out shortly.<p>

In other news. The following members have earned Prefectures within the Yridia System, and the right to style themselves Prefects of Tarentum - Merlance, Welshman, Dox, Karel, Frosty Doni`Tzu and Saitou. In addition, the top 3 scorers overall in all events have earned the right to style themselves Knights of Tarentum - Merlance (289 points), Welshman (257 points) & Dox (188 points). My congratulations to the new Prefects and Knights.<p>

I hope everyone enjoyed this little warm-up exercise. And please stay tuned in the future for another Clan wide competition. Who knows, the Knights and Prefects may have to defend their titles against the young studs newly joined to the Clan.<p>

By My Hand,<p>

Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae,

Proconsul of Clan Tarentum,

Marshal of the Armies of Tarentum,

Master of the Sea of Darkness,

Death Dealer of Clan Tarentum


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