Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

CNS Proconsul report 3/5/07

Hiyas all. War looms on the horizon, and we need the best effort each of you can give. More on this later.

What have I been up to? I intend to include this in every report I do, so you can see. Sometimes the best way to lead is by example. Lately I have:

Submitted a fiction to Ashia’s BG competition, to Corin’s Alien Species competition, begun work on my Sith History III SA test, finished a rough draft for the DSC that involves the Dark Council descriptions, submitted a huge “Science and Technology” document to the DSC (like 20 pages I think), started compilation and updates to our Clan ship descriptions on the wiki, updated my own wiki page and submitted it to be featured, ran audits on two prospective DJK promotions, did 2 reports, urged you guys to compete in BG and the upcoming RoS competitions, began to study ways to improve our Battle teams, posted on the message board, and got on IRC for a while almost every day. Whew.

Expect more of the same in the future.

An idea to consider: when to step down. This has been on my mind lately as I am phasing out of the DSC Tribune position to better serve our Clan. Sometimes, if you feel that your interests are divided, you have lost focus, not been able to be active, or whatnot then it is best to bite the bullet and step down from a leadership position. No one will fault you for making the right call. It often hurts more to hang on then to honorably step down. Last year when I was QUA of Ludo Kressh, I ended up with 2 jobs in RL and had to do just that. I really didn’t want to, but it was best for all concerned.

Here’s another idea: part of our new Knight trials involve running a minor competition. I’d like to see this benefit the Clan in some fashion. For example, our City of Seng Karesh needs a picture. This would be a great idea for a competition- make a picture.

In closing, remember to have fun. That is why we are all here. If you need anything, my door is always open.

                                        Cheers, Mac  

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