Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<img src="" alt= “Aedile Report”>

From Cernunnos, Morroth

Beta Base

Hey all! Welcome the third installment of the epic saga of Niman’s AED reports......


In-Maliha, Tar Palantir, Lena Gaiton, zeo

Out- Quejo Bandon

It isn’t going to be the same without you, man. I hope you come back Quejo….. Oh and we have three new APP’s and an old Krath Priest. Welcome!


  • Arcadian- Crescent with Quartz Star, Crescent with Emerald Star

  • Kaliidrad “Kal” Vorrac- Crescent with Topaz Star, Crescent with Quartz Star

  • nariah- Crescent with Emerald Star X 2

  • Niman- Cluster of Fire X 2

  • Vexer Thrace- Crescent with Sapphire Star, Legion of the Scholar

  • Wuntila- Crescent with Emerald Star, Crescent with Topaz Star X 3

Another awesome week! Keep it up!!


  • Arias Vorak- History of the Sith Empire III

  • Wuntila- Markmanship, Conflict Mediation

<img src="" alt= “ACC Battles”>

  • PRT Arias Vorak vs. KAP alLan Mandragoran- Victorious: KAP alLan Mandragoran

  • PRT Arias Vorak vs. DJM Dalthid- Voctorious: DJM Dalthid

Good tries Arias! IF you need help we have many ACCers around the Clan. Myself being one of them.


  • IIianya Anistatius- Novive

  • Valeria- Novice

  • Wuntila- Acolyte.

  • Zhar Shan- Novice

Awesome job all you Novices! And good job Wuntila! sobs They grow up so fast….


Oh Dear! What Have We Here?

Weekly Poem

Morroth Uprising


This was an awesome week once again, but I’m still seeing the same five or six people completing courses, getting medals and so forth. Again thank you those few who are active. You make this job worthwhile. However, I still haven’t seen some of you step it up. And with the RoS coming up very, very soon you should be getting prepared. There are many ways to do so. The Clan and House have many excellent comps. The three listed above are just for the House and many Clan wide competitions are also available.

Darkest Sincerities,

JH Niman Master (Krath)/AED/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:3]

DC-SP / Cr-1A-3S-3E-3T-3Q / CF-PF / LS / S:-2D  

{SA: KS: ToL - IRC - ACC - CM - D: KCORE - TW - FA - FP - PRH - MED - RO - AST - TS - LS - MRK}

~ Former student of Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor

~Aedile of House Satal Keto

~Vidame of Khurr

~Prodigy of Plagueis

~Director of Relations at Sistros Acquisitions and Holdings

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