CNS Proconsul Report, 3/13/07
Hiyas all. How are you? Time for another Proconsul Report. How about some fun with a Naga Sadow Pirate Chantey excerpt? I wrote this when I was a DJK. Yayy, Fun! That is what this club is about, fun. Heh.
Ballad of Clan Naga Sadow
Oh, there once was a Clan called Naaga Sadow
They liked to raise some hell
So Bust out the punch ladle
And hide ye from Freds smell
Two Houses there were in this Clan
The Ragnosians and the Kressh
One was scoundrels to the man
The others were just a mess
So welcome ye to Sadow
Yeve joined the Pirate Band
The coolest in the Brotherhood
The scurviest in the Land!
Now that you think I am more nuts (and you are right), on with the reporting.
On a sad note, Robert Bob Daragon has left us for a leadership position in another Clan. Ill miss Bob- he was and is one of the best. He was my first Quaestor. May the road always rise to greet you, my friend. Oh yeah- Trev said Fred the Seal was going to be made into matching luggage and a thong and nice handbag for Sildrin. Heh. Or was that a thong and handbag for Trev and a heck, I cant remember. That (censored: fornicating) seal got me loaded again at Zafiro Torre at the going-away bash. Its all Bobs fault.
Let me point something out: Our Clan Master-Student Program. You can find it here:
I would personally like to encourage you all to either seek out a qualified Master if you need one, or to tutor prospective students if you are one. This is one of the most potent things our Clan has at our disposal. Having so many talented and experienced members, combined with newer folks that strive so hard is one of the many things that make our Clan truly great.
I personally think we have one of the best Master-Student programs in the whole Brotherhood. A good Master is right there with you all the way, making sure everything is noted and helping you along. In case you are wondering, being a good Master is not easy. It is a huge pain in the (censored: donkey) to get a Knight promotion passed nowadays with the current strict MAA rules.
What have I been up to? I finished my submission to Kaelins design-a-planet contest, which happens to be one of the moons of Sepros- will put it on the Wiki shortly, attended Conclave, wrote a DSC summary for the upcoming DV, began my own DV article for that issue, compiled two recommendations, posted in the Light in the Darkness run-on, posted on the message boards, did some IRC, some googlechat, tweaked a Wiki page or two, made a list of Pcon projects, finished 3 audits, and sent like a bazillion emails.
An odd thing happened to me the other day. I was strolling through CNS dossiers when I happened to look at mine. Yes, and yours too-count on it. I hadnt checked my own in quite a while, and saw something curious. I had an extra Dark Cross, completing my 4th tussock. I checked it out, and apparently Braecen had rewarded GMRG folks right after the current incarnation underwent dissolution in January. I never got the system email, and had no idea. What a nice surprise. It goes to show; if you are patient good things will come. They may already be right there under your nose.
Upcoming stuff: The Rite of Supremacy is almost upon us. I can hardly wait for our Clan to kick some (censored: donkey) and take no (censored: waste) like we always do. I have to agree with Manesh- we have a rocking membership and summit right now, and I have full confidence in all of us. Look for some potential Knightings to happen soon, as many of you have been working hard. Remember to have fun!
For Sadow,
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