Consul Report


Consul Report

Report #16 - March 12th, 2007

1) Proconsul of Taldryan

After two weeks of taking applications a few things have been decided regarding Proconsul. We had some shake ups in the Houses recently that has seen some position switches. These and other issues show that we need to focus on making sure our Houses are at full strength so a steady leadership in place now through the upcoming competitions should do them well. Now to the applications, I had five come in. They are from a variety of members, new to old, three being in leadership currently.

After looking at everyone, talking to our former Taldryan Consuls, and revisiting our state over the past month or so, it was clear any of the folks I want to move up would cause another shake up in at least one of the Houses currently. Going into a Rite of Supremacy isn't the time to take away from the Houses that are in need of established leadership. So after talking it over with a few people, I've decided to appoint a member to Proconsul that will serve to the end of May. Once that time comes I'll be putting one of the other folks in the position more than likely. This will keep leadership strong in the Houses through the major conflicts and give us a fully functioning Clan Summit. This may seem a bit strange, I know it wasn't planned originally by any means, but it's the best thing to do for the Clan at the moment.

Lastly, since I've rambled on enough about it, your new Proconsul is none other than Dark Side Adept Shadow Taldrya. He's been around, he knows what to do, and he will help us make it through the next two months victoriously. Congratulations Shadow!

2) AWOL Results

The AWOL Check ended with removing 15 members from the Clan, we went down to 75. We are a pretty healthy Clan, good numbers, and good activity, so let's keep it up!

3) Clan Survey Results

The results have been in and sent to the Summit to view and take it. It's apparent that some leaders need to pick it up; they have begun working on that. Awarding members is still a concern, we have been lacking in that over the past few months. We just did some awarding over the past few days with possibly a few more in the next day or so left. I'll make sure we hit this from here on out every month. The other concern was our website is a bit congested with heavy menus making it a bit hard to navigate. I'm going to get together with Shadow and Ben to work on seeing what can be done here. Overall I'm happy with the results, some good feedback, comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism. Thanks for those that helped out here. I want to run this again in the late summer and see how things have improved.

4) Taldryan Battle Royal

The long ACC ladder has come to an end. The now MAA, Kraval Novir, and Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir faced off in one of the quickest ACC Battles I've ever seen. Kraval came out the winner in the end, major props to him on being the Taldryan ACC Champion! Good work to all those that posted in battles. Check out some of the awesome work if you will at the link below.

5) Rite of Supremacy

It's coming, it's coming very soon. This Thursday is scheduled to be the start of the Rite of Supremacy, or as I'll be calling it mostly the RoS. This will be the time for everyone to step up and fight hard for the Clan. We have two weeks of non-stop action ahead of us that'll cover multiple events including gaming, writing, and ACC battles. Clan competitions and other such things are not a priority once this starts. You can still jump on those, but focus on the RoS if you can.

We'll have a two week break at the beginning of April before the Great Jedi War that will last a month long. These are both very fast considering past efforts. All the Clan leaders will keep you updated as we go and we will all be fighting along side you in each event that comes up. Look at for our new Proconsul emailing you speratically on things, I'll be doing the same. More as it approaches. Just be ready!

1) Various Things

You can check the DB news page linked below for various news updates across the Brotherhood. Some of the topics include SA position openings, Combat Master Report, and an address from the Grand Master.

2) Outerrim War III: The Subterrel Conflict

We won last weekend, go Brotherhood! This means the Imperial faction is out of the game. This coming weekend could be the last event of the ORW. If we beat the Rebel faction we take the entire map and the competition. If you have a bit of free time between your weekend plans and RoS activity, come out to #outerrim and help finalize the Brotherhoods victory.

Brotherhood News -

March MTs are up as well as a new Crimson Vanguard competition. Dinaari AED Sklib started a fun and simple JO/JA Screenshot Contest, check that out if you can. Remember that these come second to the RoS when it hits.

Weekly Gaming Events & Competitions Page -

Gaming Servers Page -

DB-Wide Events

<li> Three Thousand Passings - End Date: 03/13

<li> Outer Rim War III - End Date: 03/18

<li> March MTs - End Date: 03/31 NEW!

<li> SA Trivia (Renewal) - End Date: 01/26

Clan-Wide Events

<li> Super Happy Awesome Fun Time: CTF Edition (March) - End Date: 03/31

<li> Taldryan Topic: Are you ready? - End Date: 03/31

<li> Tal Trivia! - End Date: 12/31

House Archanis Events

<li> Crimson Vanguard Logo - End Date: 03/18 NEW

House Dinaari Events

<li> JO/JA Screenshot Contest - End Date: 03/18 NEW

House Ektrosis Events

<li> Caption Contest - End Date: 03/15

Transferred to House Archanis

03/11/07 - APP Cas-An Sidun (Sith)

Transferred to House Dinaari


Transferred to House Ektrosis

03/08/07 - DJK Shen Long (Krath)

Transferred Out


58 Awards given: 03/07/07-03/12/07

Alanna Taldrya

03/10/07 - Steel Cross (Activity Award)

Benevolent Taldrya Whiner

03/10/07 - Grand Cross of the Dark Side (Activity Award)

Daar Kareth

03/12/07 - Crescent with Amethyst Star (3rd place in the Outer Rim War 3 Event #6)

03/12/07 - Crescent with Emerald Star (1st place in the Character Development competition, Re-Birth of a house)

03/12/07 - 37x Cluster of Fire (ORW 3, Event 6)

Hel-Pa Sklib

03/12/07 - 2x Cluster of Fire (ORW 3, Event 6)

03/11/07 - Grand Cross of the Dark Side (Activity Award)


03/11/07 - Crescent with Emerald Star (3rd place in the Taldryan Battle Royal ACC Ladder)

Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir

03/11/07 - Crescent with Sapphire Star (2nd place in the Taldryan Battle Royal ACC Ladder)

03/11/07 - Anteian Cross (Activity Award)


03/11/07 - Dark Cross (Activity Award)


03/12/07 - Cluster of Fire (ORW 3, Event 6)

03/11/07 - Anteian Cross (Activity Award)

Ricco Vao

03/10/07 - Steel Cross (Activity Award)

Rigar Ulrand

03/12/07 - 4x Cluster of Fire (ORW 3, Event 6)

Shadow Taldrya

03/11/07 - Anteian Cross (Activity Award)

Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo

03/11/07 - Dark Cross (Activity Award)

Vodo Biask

03/11/07 - Dark Cross (Activity Award)

7 Promotion: 03/07/07-03/12/07

House Archanis

03/12/07 - Cas-An Sidun promoted to Novice!

03/10/07 - Al'Meda Zarco promoted to Dark Jedi Knight!

03/10/07 - Baron Zarco promoted to Krath Priest!

03/07/07 - Reptilian promoted to Novice!

House Dinaari


House Ektrosis

03/11/07 - Joshman-Dyas promoted to Jedi Hunter!

03/11/07 - Craka'duce promoted to Acolyte!

03/11/07 - Sorren promoted to Novice!

1) Coming Soon, Really, I mean it!

The new Clan-wide promotion guide will be out this week, yes I said that in the last one, but now with most things set to go for the RoS I can touch on this come Tuesday evening and Wednesday. I'll get it the Summit by Wednesday evening at the latest and then have it out, but with the RoS and GJW happening normal guidelines WON'T be in effect as normal anyway. Based off of your RoS and GJW activity the chances of you receiving more awards and/or promotions raises quite a bit. These are major events and we are in them to win it, so we really will award everyone heavily if we do that.

2) Tal Trivia

Archanis AED Fire-Knight will be hosting one IRC session of Tal Trivia this week in #taldryan. Not sure when it will hit, but whenever there are a good amount of folks on and he can get their attention. Awards for the top players, participation credit for those involved. Look out for it!

It's been a good week vacation from work, but today I started back. Of course I came into things in a much worse state than I left. It's funny how whenever you come back from vacation you see how much others took care of your work for you. =|

We've made it through several major Clan competitions and through some small big projects over the past two months. Now we are about to step into some major competition. We need everyone to do whatever you can. I know I've said that few times now, but I'll probably say it a few more before it's over! That's enough the moment though. Just be ready for some action. We should have some fun. At the same time let's keep Taldryan's record and come out of these victors.

Important Links

Dark Brotherhood -

Message Boards -

Antei Combat Center -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Codex -

Dark Compendium -

Clan Taldryan -

House Dinaari -

House Ektrosis -

Taldryan Codex -

Competitions Page -

IRC Guide -

Summit Members -

Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Proconsul Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Archanis Quaestor Taku "Crix" Matsuki Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Archanis Aedile Fire-Knight ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Archanis Envoy Ricco Vao ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Quaestor Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Aedile Hel-Pa Sklib ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Envoy Illian Syn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Quaestor Chaosrain Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Aedile Menace ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Envoy Alanna Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Mailing lists -

Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Archanis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server

IP Address:

Password: Talpwnz

Kr'Tal Gaming Server (Jedi Academy)

IP Address:

Password: DBROX

For Taldryan,

Obelisk Exarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso

Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan

Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System</li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li>

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