Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Ludo Kressh QUA Report 15th March 2007

Heya guys

How we all doing? Personally I’m good, just had a bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee and it’s someone’s birthday today at work so the kitchen is full of cakes.

For those of you who have either joined in the last week or hasn’t been reading emails, looking at the main site or gone into IRC, the Right of Supremacy starts today, expect emails, news posts, and information on events. You should really pay attention to all this, for those of you who want medals, promotions, something to do, the love of your fellow members or a chance to test your skills against other Clans and grind them into the dust and go MUHAHAHAHA, this is the time.

As I’ve said before, do what you can. One of the reasons CNS did so well in past events is because we had loads of entries, and they all add up to points. So even if you don’t think you’re much good at drawing, if there’s a graphic even send something in, because if it scores points it helps towards our total, if 30 people all only score five points then that’s a big 150 points for CNS, and in the last GJW we only lost by a few hundred.

Anyway, that’s all from me on the RoS. We’ll keep you posted on events as they happen.

What else has been going on recently? Firstly I’d like to say big congratulations DJKs Corin Solander and Kaelin Ring, firstly on being promoted to DJK they’ve done great, and secondly on becoming Sapphire Commander and Rollmaster. Well done guys. RM Kaelin has already emailed all of you in HLK about the MSP so if you want a master or want to be one email him back.

Also, I’ve finally achieved the second of my three long term DB goals and became Knight Commander of the Brotherhood, the leader of the Knight Society of Envoys who welcome and help new members. Following the RoS I’m going to be working with the HM and the other Clans to try and improve how we deal with new members and hopefully have more people remaining active and getting promoted through the first few ranks of the DB and beyond.

That’s all from me anyway, enjoy the RoS, don’t get too stressed by the score early on just do what you can and try and enjoy it.

Remember, It aint over till its over


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