Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Hello everyone, very hectic week. As I mentioned in last weeks report, I was involved with a car crash and that completely threw off my scheduling as I was stuck for a couple of days. Anyway, now I should be back to par and getting some work done. Particularly with a steady stream of work flow, as well as work to accomplish so we can have a slightly better chance in the RoS, at least as far as my fabled excuse for helpful :P So, here we go. Rollmaster Report Numero 9:


Rite of Supremacy:


I want SO bad to give inspirational words and advice, but I know I’m probably no the one who can say it at the absolute bestt, which is why I encourage all of you to read the email, Strat sent out a while ago. I won’t shove this info down your pupil and throat, theres plenty of time to do that later.


New Members:


Everyone Welcome our Two newest additions to the House: Vin Cass & Darth Snake.


Departing Members:


No one can leave or enter the clan except to go to and fro’ the rogues and Arcona. So to all the people who wish to leave, suckas! Stay and help us then. :P




As I’d like to state, ANYONE, REGARDLESS OF RANK OR STANDING may Recommend/Request of promotion for either themselves or someone they know by just emailing their superiors with reasons. I’d like to see some of that, as I am glad that people are getting promotions, I’d like to see more than just one or two every week. We’re a clan, support each other! Here is the man of the week:

Our new star on the rise, Draco Maligo promoted to Acolyte.




CR-Sx1- Draco Maligo


Shadow Academy:


Krath Grammar, History of Sith Empire1&2- ‘The man with the plan’ Draco Maligo.


Master/Student Program:


I’ll be doing this a little bit different right now, at least for this week. Right now, I need to know who needs a Master & who needs an Apprentice. I decided to not use the old list as it seems fairly outdated. I need to know who is paired with who, and who is left out in the dust. Please contact me at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]




I’m gonna halt on the Competition Report at least for the night, the report should be out by tomorrow.




So here we come to another closing. I hope all of you have a good week and do absolutely amazing in the RoS, and even better in the GJW. I wish I could do the CapAction and Trivia this moment, but I am so extremely tired and need some sleep. So catch you guys lata.


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