Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Crimson Vanguard Report #9

Al’Meda Zarco stood face to face with a hooded form. Whispers were exchanged then the hooded head leaned forward for what seemed like more than a moment and then turned and was gone. A smile glimmered across her face but had vanished by the time she face the video uptake on the holonet device.

“Greetings. Unless you have been in Sarlaac’s belly you know the Rite of Supremacy has begun. Our team fights under a new motto and a new logo, both supplied by two of our team members. The motto for the team was supplied by Anik Koran and reads, ‘Lightning Flashes; Red Mist Descends; Fade To Black.’ This motto was chosen beciuase I believe it conveys the elite nature of our band, striking fast, effectively and then disappearing. Thanks to all to participated and to Anik. Good job! The logo is just as striking in visual terms as is the motto verbally. The logo was supplied by Daar Kareth and is pretty much exactly what I was wanting for the logo. Here’s the link to a picture of the winning logo


“In accomplishments since my last report, our newest member Cas-And Sidun has been promoted to Novice. Welcome to the team!”

“In big news, Daar Kareth, in addition to providing our logo, has been promoted to Jedi Hunter. He has also received thirty-seven (37) Clusters of Fire and a Crescent with Amethyst for efforts in the Outer Rim as well as a Crescent with Amethyst and a Crescent with Emerald for first place in the “Re-Birth of a House” character development competition.”

“Go do something for us in the Rite of Supremacy. I have four battles going in the ACC (more to come surely) and am submitting for the fiction event and battle plan. I despise the ACC but I am getting my hands dirty (with my opponents’ blood) for Tal. There is something for everyone.”

“Here’s the link to the site: GM Sarin and others have done a whale of a good job on this and you are foolish to let to go by – it’s better than going to a Star Wars movie.”

“Go get some or else face telling your grandchildren that you pissed in your pants and waited to get your diaper changed. Are you ready? I thought so!!!”

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