Another report from your friendly neighborhood Aedile, again somewhat overdue due to Feud business.
Forgive me, please :P
Well by now, if anyone does not know we are in a Rite of Supremacy, you must have been either dead or terminally incapable of reading. My advice is simple go forth and pwn. So far, we have gained excellent individual results but we lack the sheer number of people to truly dominate the event. So, I ask you to go forth in numbers and play for all you are worth. Get on #dbgaming, go challenge some poor sucker in the ACC, write a fic, sign up for the Battleplan team there are lots of things to do, and all of them are great activities not only to show off you abilities but also to help your friends within Arcona.
And now, for recognizing what you have all done in the past weeks:
Medals Awarded:
Well the Feud medals have finally been awarded. Seems Braecen did find the time to go through them and award all finally :P
Now that the obligatory quip against our rival Clans has been issued, here are the results, skipping the ones Mal has already mentioned:
A Crescent with Amethyst Star was awarded to JH Earnest for tying first place at the Feuds Caption Comp event.
A Crescent with Emerald Star was awarded to KAP Timeros Caesus Entar (me :P) for tying third at the Feuds Caption Comp event.
A Crescent with Emerald Star was awarded to DJK Valnir Kayvaan Tiberian for tying third at the Feuds Caption Comp event.
A Crescent with Emerald Star was awarded to GRD Orv Dessrx for tying third at the Feuds Caption Comp event.
These, and the others the boss has already issued, are the fruits of our labours, showing just how our skill is rewarded.
Medals Pending:
None yet :P Should we do as well in the RoS as I hope, I can however only assume a truly unrivalled number of medals awarded.
Juda has been promoted from NOV to ACO! W00t! Good luck on a well-deserved promotion!
Joshua Santhe, too, has gained his well-deserved (and long overdue) promotion from GRD to JH! Again, great congratulations on his promotion.
SA Courses Passed and ACC Qualifications:
ACO Juda has passed: ACC Initiates, Training Saber course
With the RoS as-is, one can imagine there is little to be done in the way of studying by now. Most of our attention has been brought to the RoS and rightly so.
No true changes. The AWOL check has been concluded, but we have so far decided to not kick anyone out in case someone may decide to get active again. If such is the case with you please email me because those who have not expressed anymore interest in staying will find that the friendly neighbourhood Aedile also has very big boots capable of kicking them out of the door :P
In Closing:
Again the RoS. I might seem obsessed with it, and perhaps that is even true. But ask yourself isnt this the sort of event for which we joined the Brotherhood? I may not agree with all the aspects in which it is run but I do believe we can win this if only we get our shit together. If only half of us get active, we can take Scholae, take Tal, take Tar take them all and show our worth.
I can only hope your response at this plea will be a positive one.
In Darkness,
KAP Timeros Caesus Entar.
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