<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION/DISCLAIMER</td> </tr> </table>
This report should be read only by those persons to whom it is addressed. If you have received this report it was obviously addressed to you and therefore you can read it, even it I didnt mean to send it to you. However, if the contents of this report make no sense whatsoever or you do not find the humor in it then you probably were not the intended recipient or, you are a mindless cretin; either way, you should immediately delete yourself & destroy your computer! Once you have taken this action please contact me.. no you idiot, you cant use your computer, you just destroyed it, and by the way, you are also deleted, but I digress......
The Originator of this report is not liable for the transmission of the information contained in this report, unless they are the originator in which case they probably are liable and rightly so considering the content of the aforementioned report.
In the event that the originator did not send this report to you, then please return it to us and attach a scanned-in picture of your mothers brothers wife pet wearing nothing but hot pants, and we will immediately refund you exactly half of what you paid for the can of Pringles you bought when you went to Walmart yesterday.
I take no responsibility for non-receipt of this report because I am running Windows NT & everyone knows how glitchy that can be. In the event that you do get this report then please note that I take no responsibility for that either. Nor will I accept any liability, tacit or implied, for any damage you may or may not incur as a result of receiving, or not, as the case may be, from time to time, notwithstanding all liabilities implied or otherwise, ummm, crap, where was I..umm, no matter what happens, IT's NOT, and NEVER WILL BE, MY FAULT!
The comments & opinions expressed herein are my own and NOT those of Clan Plagueis, if the Consul knew I was sending emails and surfing porno sites instead of participating in the RoS, he would cut off my gonads and feed them to me for afternoon tea.
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>RITE OF SUPREMACY</td> </tr> </table>
Follow the link and do something to help out your clan.
Round One is over, Round Two has begun. ACC and MP Ladders continue.
At time of press release of this report Round One fiction results were not yet released. We came in 5th in Round One battleplan portion, not enough to adavance to round two, however our clan debate team has moved onto Round Two. (No, I'm not going to say it.......really, I'm not.)
Sorry about that, must be coming down with a cold.
Anyway, serious props go out to Sunflash, Niman, Kal, Silent, Arcadian, Julius Caesar, Vexer, Arias, Vessicant, and Wuntilla for their participation so far in the RoS.
I would like to add to this list so the rest of you get out there and participate!
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>CONCLUSION</td> </tr> </table>
Last week's report apparently caused quite a mess for the Clan Summit and even the Grand Master. I'm saying apparently because only one person said anything to me about it, and that was a complaint over the Clan mailing list. I'm going to address this issue here and now and if it is not handled correctly from now on, I will ignore it.
If you are offended or do not like the way I do something, TELL ME. Don't complain to the Clan Summit, don't bother the Dark Council, don't have the Aedile come to me with an anonymous complaint; TELL ME. Send me an email (not the whole Clan) or contact me on IRC and TELL ME what I did that you don't like.
Now I'm not saying I will agree or do something about each and every issue, but if I don't THEN is the time you go to the Clan Summit. Now I'm going to take a step back and tone my ramblings down and actually edit myself a little as conflict is not what I am looking for. But I am not going to change, I came to this Clan for a change not be changed. I will continue to throw my brand of humor into reports and house communications because that is how I do things.
As for losing the clan identity and way, I have not changed one thing in House Satal Keto. In fact, I spent most of my plane rides on vacation reading up on the history of Plagueis. I saw a couple of things I was going to bring back and continue with the tradition of the house but am waiting till after the RoS and GJW. But this is again something that needs to be said TO ME. I am completely open to your suggestions, as a matter of fact I am relying on them as the so-called N00b.
So to some up. All complaints, ideas, suggestions, or issues should come DIRECTLY TO ME.
_"And thats all I've got to say about that."
-Forrest Gump, 1992_
That is all!
SBL Robert Daragon(Sith)/QUA/Satal Keto of Plagueis
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