Welcome to another exciting Grand Master report! This week saw the conclusion of Round 1 of the RoS and the start of Round 2. Clans are beginning to pull away from another and it appears we may see two Clans racing neck and neck for the finish line.
This report is a big one, so get to reading!<p>
Rite of Supremacy Fiction Results: Clan: The Rite of Supremacy Round 1 Fiction Results are in! We had over fifty excellent submissions and the quality was fantastic. The Clans finished in the following order based off of participation and placing points:
Taly: 18 Participants. 137.5 points
CSP: 10 Participants. 89 points.
CNS: 9 Participants. 79 points.
Plagueis: 6 Participants. 43 points.
Arcona: 5 Participants. 38 points.
Tarentum : 3 Participants. 28 points.
Congratulations to Taly! Nice showing and performance.
Rite of Supremacy Fiction Results: Individual: In addition to the Clan results, the fiction competition also awards the top individual performers in the Dark Brotherhood. With that being said, congratulations to:
Darth Vexatus
DJM Nathaniel
Dark Jedi Master Alanna Taldrya (TIE for 3rd)
ACO Juda (TIE for 3rd)
Excellent work to all of you! Congratulations Goat!
Rite of Supremacy: BP Individual Results: The Rite of Supremacy Battle Plan individual results have also been decided upon. Congratulations to the following:
SWL Vessicant
DJK Vodo Biask
SWL Welshman Corsair Tarantae (TIE)
PRT Arias Vorak (TIE)
T:DSC Resignation: Macron has decided to step down to focus more time on his PCON duties. I want to take the time to thank him for his outstanding work as DSC Tribune. Macron had a tough task in creating documents that could pass the evil eye of GMs, DGMs, and faux editors everywhere. Macron, thanks for all you have done, your contributions to the DB will leave a lasting mark.
T:DSC Open for Applications: The position of T:DSC is now open for applications. Applicants should submit a sample of their writing and a short resume on why they should be T:DSC to the DGM, P:GM and GM. Please place T:DSC in your application subject line.
<p>Grand Master notes</p>
Quick notes on some of the conversations I have been a part of this week:
ORW Conclusion (From the news page): After several weeks of participating and winning in the Outer Rim War, the Dark Brotherhood has concluded her operations in the Subterrel Sector. The DB fought with honor and skill winning 5 of 7 weeks, despite fighting alone as the Sith team. I would like to congratulate all of those who participated, your Seals will be on your profile shortly.
Why did we pull out of the ORW? T:ICTE Karel served as our lead for the ORW and last week he and I were under the impression that the ORW would conclude with a DB Victory. After we won the day, we were informed that the ORW was not over and that it would continue for at least two more weeks (with the possibility of going on forever, depending on if the Rebels could win).
I spoke with the Consuls, DGM, and several members of the DB and the overwhelming consensus was that we exit the competition.
I would like to thank the ORW staff for their hard work in organizing the event and I look forward to taking a much more active role in setting up the next ORW.
Everyone should take the time to thank Karel for his hard work in helping set up the ORW. It was a thankless job, but he did it with great poise and elan.
GJW Delay: After consulting the Consuls, the Coders, and the GJW Planners, I have decided to delay it until this summer. I have made this decision based on several factors:
The Coding will not be done in time.
Finals and exams are in the middle of the GJW
The RoS is taxing some Clans to the limit in patience, activity, and energy
Sarin's wife is having a baby in a couple weeks (SARIN BABY>DB)!
Sarin is moving to Arizona mid GJW!
So, we are going to back things up a few months? When? June or July. I am not going to release a definite date until we can put together an honest assessment of what it will take to do things right.
Congrats: Everyone participating in the RoS! Activity has been absurd!
<p>Real Life</p>
Duty: I have duty tonight (Again!). That means I get to go back to work in a few hours to check and see if the Soldiers have burned down their barracks yet. Luckily today's duty is on Call, except for a check at 2AM.
Pregnacy: I noticed Mrs. Darth Sarin was duck walking today. The stork is getting warmed up..
Mixed Martial Arts: I have been doing MMA stuff for about 5 years now. On 13 April I am fighting in a tournament hosted at Fort Campbell. I can't wait to get choked out!
Rock Climbing: I am going tomorrow for the first time in my life. Wish me luck (haha, I know some of you hope I fall!).
Baseball Lesson: Once upon a time I was a fairly decent high school baseball player. From time to time I would throw a strike and the umpire would call it a ball. One time it cost me a game and I went absolutely nuts. How could this pathetic excuse for a baseball umpire call my pitches balls when I knew they were strikes? If he was any good at being an umpire, he would'nt be at a high school game in the first place. I lost my temper with this umpire and said a few things to him that would make a PG:13 movie rated R. After my little explosion, my dad and my coach walked me out to the parking lot and I came within an inch of getting my ass kicked twenty miles back to my house (they stopped the ass kicking around mile 14).
I was pretty pissed at the time about losing a game because of an umpire, but the truth of the matter is that when we play a game, we put our hands in a human judge. Often this judge can be wrong and they can have human error. But that human error is part of the game. Over the years I have looked back at that game and realized that maybe my strike was a ball and maybe my perspective tainted my view of what was "justice" that day.
Just thought I would share :p
Have a good week everyone. I will be on mIRC and you can always talk to me there. If you can't get me there, try [Log in to view e-mail addresses] </p></p></p></p></p>
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Congrats on the bun in the oven and good luck with that tournament!
kill the coach!
Woo, summer GJW.