The lights dim as the dark figure enters the room. Piercing blues eyes are all that can be seen beneath the cloak.....
Phoenix walks through the shadows towards the seat at the head of the room. The cloak flies off and lands on the back of the chair.
Phoenix sits and opens a channel to the clan.
Right of Supremecy:
Right now we are ahead in Gaming, but we need to step it up to keep our hold at number 1. It is imperative that everyone pull together and step up to the challenge laid out by your leaders.
This is where we will forge the future of CSP within the DB. We are building, by far, the greatest group of members that the DB has ever seen. We will be the future of this organization. This is where we will usher in the New Golden Age of CSP.
It is our time to dominate. It is our time to silence the outsiders who sully our clan with their inflamations and taunting.
Their time is up.....Our time is NOW!
Following Passage taken from The Covenant of be released soon
"Respect for others must remain a hallmark of Clan Scholae Palatinae. It flows from the duty to put the House and Clan first and means that there is no place for prejudice or discrimination. Respect for others is based on self-respect and it depends on selfless commitment and integrity, on the behaviour which is set out in this document. Without these the individual member and The Clan itself forfeit the respect which underpins morale. Like loyalty, respect for others goes both up and down the chain of command as well as sideways among peers. But it also extends to the treatment of all members in the whole of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. It is all our responsibility to maintain the highest standards of decency and a sense of respect at all times, and to all people, even in the most difficult of conditions. Indeed, the need for such decency, compassion and respect for others is increased by the conditions in which members may have to operate. This specifically includes sportsmanship. While both winning and not winning high level competitions may induce such feelings of pride or pain, how those feelings are passed on to others can have a detrimental effect on the whole of the Clan and its reputation. There is such a thing as a bad winner, and while bragging rights rightly come with any win, overemphasis of such is discouraged."
~Author Krath Pontifex Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine, Consul Emertis
Gaming Days/Nights:
Why are Gaming Nights important?
-Gaming Nights allow you to build relationships with fellow Gamers
-Gaming Nights give you an opportunity to qualify for Sunday Invitational Tourney (SIT)
-Gaming Nights can result in Clusters of Fire (CF's)
Location: #DBGaming
-Monday/Weds/Fri or Tues/Thurs depending on what week it is.
This ensures:
-All members have a chance at matches
-All competitors are following the Rites of Combat
-All DB approved games are allowed (JA, JO, Allegiance, BF, XvT, etc.)
ICTE (Inter-Club Training Event):
-Location: #outerrim, join then type !signup {game}
-Day: Saturdays
-Awards: ICTE All-Star, CF's
-Platforms: All DB approved games are allowed (JA, JO, Allegiance, BF, XvT, etc.)
Below is the link to all of CSP's competitions; from house level to clan level.
Activity/Member Spotlight:
I love shedding light on those who work hard to help bring forth the clan. whether it be SA, gaming, run on, etc.
Gaming Fiends:
Outer Rim War 3 - Battle 6:
Tyno: CFx41
RevengeX: CFx26
Rasilvenaira: CFx3
Outer Rim War 3 - Battle 7:
Tyno: CFx22
RevengeX: CFx12
Gavan: CFx6
Nathaniel: CFx5
Tiberius: CFx1
Yadar: CR-E, 1st HC Scavenger Hunt, CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 9
Michalto: CR-T, 2nd HC Scavenger Hunt
Malaki: CR-Q, 3rd HC Scavenger Hunt
Tyno: CR-Dx2, 1st ORW3-Event 6 & 7; PoBx2, 1st ORW3-Event 6 & 7; CR-T, 5th Clan Feud Event 2
Selene: CR-R, 1st Clan Feud Event 9; CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 4; CR-E, 4th Clan Feud Event 5
Phoenix: CR-A, 2nd Clan Feud Event 9; CR-E, 4th Clan Feud Event 1; CR-A, 1st Clan Fued Event 8
Niemand: CR-A, 2nd Clan Feud Event 9; CR-A, 2nd Clan Feud Event 4
Braecen: CR-A, 2nd Clan Feud Event 9
Thran: CR-A, 2nd Clan Feud Event 9
Rasilvenaira: CR-A, 2nd Clan Feud Event 9; CR-R, 2nd Clan Feud Event 7; CR-A, 2nd Clan Feud Event 5
RevengeX: CR-A, 2nd Clan Feud Event 9
Impetus: CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 9; CR-A 2nd Clan Feud Event 2
Exodius: CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 9
Uzbad: CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 9
Ood: CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 9
Laurus: CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 9; CR-E, 4th Clan Feud Event 2; CR-T, 5th Clan Feud Event 3
Adam: CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 9; CR-S, 2nd Vengeance Aftermath Comp.
Fionn: CR-E, 5th Clan Feud Event 7
Lucius: CR-A, 1st Clan Feud Event 1
Cuchulain: CR-A, 1st Vengeance Aftermath Comp.
Cethgus: CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 1; CR-T, 5th Clan Feud Event 5; CR-E, Tied 3rd Vengeance Aftermath Comp.
Jaysun: CR-E, Tied 3rd Vengeance Aftermath Comp.
Brujah: CR-S, 3rd Clan Feud Event 2
Dirus: CR-E, 3rd Clan Feud Event 3
Nathaniel: CR-R, 1st Clan Feud Event 4
Dark Cross:
Xen: Led the effort behind one of the three Clan Run-Ons. Without the efforts of this quasi-leader to help direct the plot line, encouraging others to post and continually acting as an anchor for each of their fellow writers - the team would not have succeeded. Thank you for, effortlessly, stepping to the forefront and assisting the Clan Summit during the Feud.
Impetus: Led the effort behind one of the three Clan Run-Ons. Without the efforts of this quasi-leader to help direct the plot line, encouraging others to post and continually acting as an anchor for each of their fellow writers - the team would not have succeeded. Thank you for, effortlessly, stepping to the forefront and assisting the Clan Summit during the Feud.
Scroll of Foundation
Ood: Has acted as a Master and Mentor unto Zeron. Zeron's progression through the ranks is a testament to Ood's ability to teach and facilitate a series of Trials. Additionally, Ood went a step beyond and taught Zeron the groundwork for his eventual position of Companion Class Envoy (House Envoy). Without Ood's instruction and mentorship, Zeron wouldn not have progressed to where he is today.
Rasilvenaira: For mentoring, training, and seeing through Knighthood Corin 'Liwaen' Solander.
Anteian Cross
Rasilvenaira: For taking the Pre-RoS MVP for the ACC staff comp!! Congrats Ras, good work!
Antei Combat Center:
Karva: Qualified
Michalto: Qualified
Fionn: Qualified
Rasilvenaira: Judge x4,
Vasily: Failed to Post
The Shadow Academy is a great tool and asset to further one's understanding of the Brotherhood, The Expanded Star Wars Universe and Leadership within the Brotherhood. In the early stages (APP, NOV, ACO) it can be a useful tool to explain the basic elements of the DJB. For the older members it is simply a way to expand their own, working knowledge base.
Scholar of the Week: This weeks Scholar is Novice Tartutic with Four Exams. Conflict Mediation, Marksmanship, Astronomy, and History of the Sith Empire I.
Shadow Academy:
Tartutic (4)
Xathia dan Locut'Hal (2)
Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine (2)
Rasilvenaira StormRaven
Brujah Tamalar
Leonidas Yadar Mandalore
Joshua Palefire
Darious Shadow
Shaardan Lestin
Legion of Scholars:
Yadar: LSx2 HC Trivia Creation
Tyno: 2nd HC Trivia, 1st HC Trivia
Xen: 1st HC Trivia, 2nd HC trivia
Fionn: 1st CSP Trivia
RevengeX: 2nd CSP Trivia
Rasilvenaira: Mod/Creator CSP Trivia
Rasilvenaira: Tie 2nd HC Trivia
Internet-Relay Chat (IRC) is the second (after e-mail) most accessible asset/tool within the Dark Brotherhood (DB). As a new member in the DB, IRC can provide you with real-time answers to real-time problems/questions. In fact, I was once a new member that spent countless hours on this chat service picking the minds of my Quaestor and Aedile for every facet of the Clan and DB.
Download mIRC:
Our Server: Undernet
Our Channel: #Scholae
DB IRC Guide:
Download it today, come join us!
Command Staff of CSP:
Clan Summit:
Consul(Con): Krath Epis Braecen Kunar
Proconsul(PCon): Sith Battlelord Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine
House Summits:
-Archpriest RevengeX Palpatine(HAD)
-Sith Battlemaster Thran Occasus(HC)
-Archpriest Rhaub D'ar Aghasett Palpatine(HAD)
-Sith Warrior Rasilvenaira StormRaven(HC)
Knight Class Envoy(KCE): Krath Priestess Selene d'Tana
House Envoys:
-Dark Jedi Knight Zeron(HC)
-All masters fall under the Envoy System because that is who they must report to on the Advancement of their student.
-All trials and Reccs for promotions/medals must be first approved by the KCE and Clan Summit
Now, when it come to promotions and medals, this is how it is followed.
-Consul: May promote up to Battlemaster, Prelate and Archpriest
-Proconsul: May promote up to Warrior, Templar and Priest
-Quaestor: May promote up to Dark Jedi Knight
-Aedile: May promote up to Jedi Hunter
Which means, any promotion has to be cleared with the higher ups.
-Any member can recommend a promotion/medal, but it must be cleared through the channels.
All Medals must be approved by the Clan summit, unless they are for something outside the clan....(i.e DBPA, GMRG work.)
-The exception to this rule would be if it were added to clan work, then it must be approved.
Also, all information pertaining to house histories, story line's, etc. must be run through their perspective house summits and clan summit.
This is the bottom line, this is how the system works.
Any questions, concerns or "critiques" can be sent to me by pm or email.
In Darkness,
Sith Battlelord Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine
SBL Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine (Sith)/PCON/Clan Scholae Palatinae
GC / SC-SoH / AC-ToSH / DC-SP / (GN) / Cr-1R-3A-2S-8E-3Q / PoB-BL / CF-SF / SI-BL / SoL / LS-AuL / S:-8M {SA: KS: ToL - IRC - MSN - GL - TS}
ProConsul Scholae Palatinae
Son Of Palpatine
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